Final Days In The House

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It was 3 days from my birthday and I had the entire coming out thing ready. 2 little homemade cards and the transgender flag colors painted on the front. I knew that in the back of my head that this wouldn't work out for me.

In case that they did throw me out, I had a big suitcase already packed up. Thank goodness I planned ahead 6 months ago to ask Ellie's parents about staying with them.

My dad popped in my room for a moment. "Hey kido, excited to be 16 in just a few days?" He asked. I was unsure of what to really tell him but I just said a simple yes and after that he left.

I went out to the pool to go relax and try to stay calm. "Man, a lot has changed in my life." I sat there with my legs dipped in the pool.

But one thing was that really got me thinking was, what will Caleb do if I do get kicked out? I just hope he stays by me.

I sat out there for awhile that I hadn't noticed it was getting dark. Mom called me in for dinner and after that I went up to my room. Bored as all, the only thing that was on my mind was my birthday.

"Hey..." I sat up and to my surprise I saw Caleb at my door. I waved to him. "Oh hey..." I said blandly

He came up to my bed and sat by me. "Listen we need to talk..." I looked at him curiously as to what he was meaning. "I think I've been denying this... Lucas, you are really the only one who has been good to me ever since we were little; the only one who has truly loved me."

"I'm sorry I told you off all those years..." He sounded disappointed in himself. "I just didn't want to admit that I was gay for my own little brother." He kind of smiled as my face flushed with red.

"So then you really do love me?" I questioned. He nodded assuring me that it was the truth. I hugged him fast and buried my face into him as we shared this embrace.

Locked Away Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now