A Restless Night

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There I laid, a wet, tear stained, messy face. I kept looking over to my door just to see if Caleb would come in telling me he's sorry. Besides, all that was his idea. Bring me in still dressed as a boy right into our parents house. So many mixed emotions ran throughout my head.

Anger, sorrow, confusion and love. I closed my eyes trying my best to get rest but my eyes kept popping open. I sighed and walked down the stairs of my bed and into my hideaway area.

It looked so dull without any of those LGBTQ+ art on the bulletin-board. If I dare tried, my mom would just tear them all down again. I couldn't keep the Lucas thing up around my parents. At school was where I would be free.

But for now, I'd have to suffer at home. I grabbed a paper and pencil to let out my feelings.

This one was a love poem.

Super Love
His eyes they sparkle so fine.
Butterfly caged in my stomach, but for how long?
Can't help myself but to drool over him. How do I confess?
I can't accept this super love.

It didn't rhyme whatsoever, but it worked to get that out of my head. I left it there on a shelf in my hideaway spot. Going off to my room door, I silently opened it so I wouldn't wake anyone. I looked over and Caleb's door was still locked shut.

He must of been pretty mad at me. I should move on, then again, it was my fault that I got him into trouble. I shook it off and went downstairs. The pool was covered up, but I went outside to it, uncovered it and turned the pool lights on.

Sitting down, I put my feet in the luke-warm water. I sighed. I stayed out there a couple hours then went back inside. "6:00 AM in the morning already?" I yawned. I was still starving as all heck.

I fixed myself an SJ&B, yup that's right, a strawberry jam and butter sandwich on a croissant roll. (They are the most best breakfast ever.) I finished up eating and headed upstairs.

Caleb's room door opened as I froze, eye to eye with him. We both blushed but parted our ways. I went back into my room to get any sleep I could and Caleb went to the bathroom.

If he was so mad, why did he blush, why did I blush? Did I really love my adopted brother? I did and it was about to get really crazy.

Locked Away Vol. 1Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora