Drunken Love

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WARNING: do NOT do drugs, alcohol, or smoking so please do not be as stupid as Caleb non of this makes you cool or anything. Viewer discretion is advised.

Caleb's P.O.V
"See you later mom, going out for a walk I'll be back in a few hours!" I yelled to our mom as I ran out the house. "Why! Just why is Lucas so ... obsessed with me!" My hands started to form into fists. I breathed in deeply. "Ok ... no need to get mad just need to relax and unwind."

"Lucas needs to get his head screwed on right and realize I'm not gay, I'm straight." I sighed as I headed to this crazy party a few walks away. I invited myself in and it looked like a bunch of older teens, around 17-18 but I was just a year younger, what could it hurt?

As far as on TV I've seen plenty of characters get drunk like on Family Guy. Since I wanted to loosen up, I wasn't thinking of the troubles I'd get into.

I went over to a keg pump or whatever they called it and filled up a mini red solo cup. I gulped, feeling sweat roll off my forehead. This was it ... I was going to take my first drink of alcohol at the age of 16.

What was I thinking? To get loosen up of course. I have to admit, I think I really love Lucas and I mean in love. I didn't want to admit it since I did have a girlfriend. Never did I want to cheat on her.

Soon about an hour later, I had by this time 4-6 shots? My eyes and legs feeling wonky as if they were like jelly.

Stumbling my way to the door to leave this crazy party, I opened the door, almost tripping over the doorway's step ledge. I pushed my way out of a small crowd that was outside and on my way back to home.

My vision was blurry and I was dizzy as if I got off the spinning tea cup ride. The moment I got home and stepped inside was a complete mistake. "And where the hell have you been Caleb!?" mom yelled the moment I came inside.

She could smell the beer off of me instantly. "Have you been drinking!?" she said in anger. In that moment I wasn't able to answer her cause of how drunk I was. Surely I got grounded for 3 months after this.

This was all my fault. I headed upstairs and went to my room, shortly Lucas came in. I think even he could tell I wasn't myself. We talked for awhile and then I did the unexpected. I grabbed his arm to which he was shocked at and pulled him in besides me into my bed.

I held Lucas there as he was red in the face. We slept and kept cuddled close to each other like this till morning arrived.

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