Happy Birthday!

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Finally the day has arrived, December 16th. My birthday. Mom and dad hadn't want me downstairs so I wouldn't see them decorating my party. I hoped it would be somewhat boyish? Knowing my mom, that wasn't gonna happen. Few hours passed and dad brought me up some lunch. A yummy grilled cheese with creamy tomato soup. This was always my favorite lunch to have. Taking it from dad, I went to my hideaway and ate there while I drew.

About an hour later, I got dressed into this pink fairy dress my mom had picked out. I could finally come out to the living room. Going downstairs as I walked into the living room, everyone yelled: "Happy Birthday, Lucy!" I looked around the room putting on this fake smile to pretend to be happy for the day when I actually wasn't. Seeing some of my friends there like, Mary, Kate, Sofie and Ellie.

Ellie happened to be my best friend, specially when we both went into 11th grade. Mary and Kate were twins, which made things hard with them. They always knew what each other were thinking or going to say. It creeped me out to be honest. Now Sofie, she was one of those quiet, shy, layed back kind of girls. This was weird cause she's so shy with every other person, but she grew on fast to the 4 of us.

I guess it was a fun party. We did it like any other birthday party would go, eating cake, playing games like: tag, pin the tail on the donkey, and pictionary. Later, after all those games we went out to the back yard and played on my trampoline.

"You guys are the best!" I said with some joy in my voice. My party had shortly ended after done playing on the trampoline. Heading inside to the kitchen, I see this laptop computer. Since when did we get a computer? I went over to it as mom came into the room. "Oh honey, you weren't suppose to see this computer till later, but guess as you've seen it now you can have it. Yes it's yours." mom said with some disappointment.

Locked Away Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now