More Than Friends

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Ellie decided to stay the night and my parents allowed it. After we had dinner we ran up to my room to watch a movie. We picked out Twilight. I thought it was the most cheesy movie but Ellie loved these types of movies. It was 40 minutes in the movie and Ellie had her hand on mine. I brushed it off thinking that it wasn't anything to worry about.

Soon we were halfway into the movie and before I knew it Ellie climbed up onto my lap. I froze up as she sat there. I was about to speak when Ellie broke the silence.

"You know awhile back when we had the beach prom?" She said as she blushed. I nodded but it was hesitant. "Well... I really thought you were hot, that's why I said you were my date when I was talking to Sarah. I really love you Lucas..." She said submissive.

As this happened, I felt like I couldn't breath. She slowly got me onto my back and laid on me. "Please E-ell-" She cut me off with a kiss on the mouth.

I felt like dying. I wanted Caleb to come in and just interrupt this. She finally stopped and got off me. I laid there till the end of the movie.

The movie came to an end and Ellie smiled at me. I snapped out of whatever trance I was in and I cleaned up everything. We got ready for bed and not 5 minutes into being all cozy in my bed, Ellie comes up.

She cuddled up to me and said "You deserve way better than Sarah. She's just wrong that she doesn't accept you for who you are. But as for me I love you with all my heart."

She drifted off to sleep. The moment she was out cold, I slipped out and away from her. This was too awkward for me. I craved for Caleb's love. I wanted him to save me, I NEEDED him to save me NOW.

"I know I'm a year older than her. I'm only 15 and that's at dating age but I am not in love with my best friend who is like a sister to me." I muttered under my breath.

"But again I can't just be a jerk and hurt my best friend's feelings." I sighed and looked over to Ellie who was cuddling my pink blanket I've had since I was born. I laid back down next to her and tried to get some sleep.

Locked Away Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now