Moving Day

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Some years went by and I was 10 ... and we were moving. It was so overwhelming, moving from one house all the way to another on the other side of Rhode Island. New big house, new school, new friends, new life, I'd have to start all over again, but I knew it'd be nothing but misery for me. Knowing with my feminist religious mom it was hell. If only I could trick my mom to make her get me some boys clothing, but how?

Once we had settled in, I went to my room, which already had all my room furniture from my old house in it; including my awesome bed with that little hideaway. Anyways, I had went to go sit at my desk of where I did homework. There, I sat down some cups that held in pencils and markers with erasers. Also laying on the desk was some notepads, construction paper, glue, paints, glitters. As you can all see I very much enjoyed crafts.

I'd make these toy beds for LPS and stables for Schleich horse figures I collected. I was more or less a cowboy of my own mini ranch.

But besides the point, I wanted to be me; the boy I was on the inside. This was my time to shine since it was a new neighborhood for us, so new life to begin for me. That laptop I had gotten a few years back for my birthday came in handy. Instead of calling it my "fake me" I now used the correct term for it. Looking on google, I had headphones on so my parents couldn't hear anything. "Transgender." I said with confidence and pride.

Before I knew it, I was looking at all sorts of transgender art and the homosexual/gay and transgender pride flags. This shortly became my happy corner. About a year later, I signed up for this art site called Deviantart. The site had so many wonderful artists on there, for me I just mostly looked at all the touching and heartbreaking transgender art and stories or poems on there.

Whatever arts were printable I printed them out from my dad's printer and sneaked them to my room. In my hideaway I'd pin them to my bulletin-board. Sure my hideaway had changed inside. I had more transgender and gay stuff on the board as in just the pride flag colors and genderbent characters.

I started to go on some FTM websites for support. Everyone I chatted with seemed so nice and friendly it made my face tear up. Once I turned 13 mom couldn't afford to keep Caleb and I in single gender only schools so we finally went to a school that both boys and girls went to. I've never been so happy to go to school.

Monday rolled around and I got dressed in a hurry to get going. Caleb and I hopped into the car and mom drove us to our new school. Mom signed us in as the bell rung for us to leave. I myself was to happy and ran off to my classroom.

Locked Away Vol. 1حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن