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Dad was making a fire so we could eat the fish we caught. He took out his pocket knife and began on the fish he caught. As dad scaled and gutted the fish the best he could, almost making Caleb and I barf. Once finished, dad finally cleaned the fish off and cooked it over the fire. It was pretty delicious. After having a yummy fresh cooked dinner, dad took out a bag of marshmallows. As we took some out and roasted them, dad was telling us stories of some adventures him and his dad; our grandpa Al would go on when dad was little.

"So, there we were, at the end of Wolf Creek cave, minutes away from a black bear coming to eat us alive." dad said in this creepy spooky voice. "ROARRRR! The bear came charging in at us with full speed, but, as I stepped forward, making myself seem big I yelled and made lots of noises, scaring the bear away from us." Dad grinned of honor in that moment.

"Dad, you're a hero!" Caleb said with excitement. Of course I nodded in agreement. You see ever since I came to be in this world, I've always had a more better bond with my dad. Mom and I never see eye to eye. To some extent, I really think my dad somewhat knew and tried to understand me and what I was going through.

After we got done eating and everything, it was time to get to bed. We all huddled into our sleeping bags that were in the tent. I used my sleeping bag as more of a cave or something. There I lay, wide awake and I didn't know why. Maybe it was a bad idea going camping? But what was there to be afraid of? I had my older brother and dad to protect me, so why was I awake?

I finally eased my mind off by thinking of myself as physically being a boy, which made me happy and calm. Morning rolled around, Caleb and dad were already awake while I was a bit lazy.

"Wake up Lucy!" I heard my brother say. Opening my crusty eyes, I sit up and rub them. I come out from the tent to a surprise, dad brought our swimming outfits! Mine was a girly flower Barbie one piece, while my brother's was just shark trunks. Looking at mine, I teared up. For anything, I wanted to either be naked, which would most likely get me and my dad in trouble or have a pair of swim trunks like Caleb. Course no one was at the pond though, so, how was I to be seen by anyone if I had gone in naked?

Caleb changed into his trunks and for me? I did what I just thought. Running out into that semi-warm pond water naked as the day I was born. At the age of 4 I really had no breasts so I had no worries anyone seeing me, besides there was no one around besides my dad and brother, plus I had fun. Dad was laughing up a storm at this site, but Caleb... well ... he had this red-pink color on his cheeks and just stared. I didn't know why so I continued my fun in the water.

Caleb hadn't joined in since I went in the pond so he missed out on the fun.

After we enjoyed the nice little splashing, we got out and dried off. We packed up our camp site, got our things into the car and drove back home. Heading up to my room, I was surprised. Everything of Caleb's belongs were out of our room! Peering into the room dad had now had finished for 2 days was all of Caleb's things. His bed, his own dresser and nightstand, his own closet. My mouth dropped open to the ground.

Before I knew it there were to be lots of changes in the house.

Locked Away Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now