Cheer up, Lucy!

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Pills? Pills! PILLS!? This wasn't the help that I needed! After we left that building, mom drove straight to Wall-Greens to get those pills ready for me. I was disgusted my mom would even go this far just to cure her precious baby "girl".

We finally drove home, once there I had ran into the house and into my room. There, at the little table we had, sat Caleb drawing. So that Caleb wouldn't here me crying I buried my face into my fluffy unicorn pillow. Although, Caleb looked over anyways. Caleb and I, we had a special bond, one that was strong enough it couldn't be broken by anything.

"Hey, Lucy are you ok?" Caleb asked with such care. "No!" I snapped. He finished whatever he was drawing and tucked it half under my pillow. Sniffling as I sat up, I took a look at the drawing. Completely shocked, I started to cry more, but this time it was tears of joy. That picture, it was of me but as a boy and at the top it read: "I love my little brother, Lucy."

He knew, he knew the pain I was in. All the suffering I've endured. I hugged him tight, so full of joy that night. Later on, dad came in and tucked us into our own beds. I slept easy knowing that someone in my life cared for me and loved me for who I was. My eyes slowly closed as I had a wide smile on my face that shortly faded; me drifting off into a comfy, deep sleep.

The next morning, Caleb and I raced downstairs to a delightful breakfast: Oooy Gooy Chocolate Chip Pancakes! Scuffing down our breakfast, we both burp and laugh as a sign of an enjoyed breakfast. "Alright now, kids. Today since you have no school, I thought I'd take Caleb and Lucy out on a boat fishing." our dad told us.

"Well then, I'll enjoy myself at the spa." mom said. Hmm, perhaps a day with dad could take my worries off my shoulders. Lucky it did! Dad drove us out to Quicksand Pond. While waiting for dad, Caleb and I ran down to the docks and skipped some rocks. It was a nice day just having a guys day out. Dad came over with fishing rods, small ones for me and Caleb and a big one for our dad. All of us sitting there patiently wait for the fish to come to us. I was kinda unlucky, having no fish come to me; that or they all got away. Caleb caught nothing but small tiny guppies so it was catch and release for him.

As for dad, he must of caught at LEAST 10 pikes or so but, releasing 6 and keeping 4 for us to eat later on.

Course 3 hours later it was becoming dusk, Caleb and I sat on the hill that overviewed the pond. We could overhear dad talking on the phone. "Honey, I'm gonna camp out here with the kids under the stars tonight. I think all this has really cheered Lucy up, she's been happy all day." From the sounds of that, mom was really relieved with joy. Looking out at the sherbet ice cream colored sunset, dad was setting up camp. Pitching up the tent, making the fire pit and soon after the sky got dark with stars shinning out in the clear night sky.

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