Dear Diary

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Dear Diary,

Things change so fast. You can't ever really keep up with it. What if I just ran away? I mean my parents wouldn't care, neither would Caleb. They've all shown me what "family love" is. Though who would I run to? I know I could go to Ellie but I don't know if her family would support me. All I know is that I can't stay here under this roof. I'm probably going to sooner or later get kicked out of this house so, what does it matter anyway? Maybe I'll come out properly to my parents on my 16th birthday and see how it goes from there.

I stopped writing and closed the sketch book. I sighed and just sat there alone. I reached for a piece of paper that I had kept hidden for awhile. I opened it up and gazed apon it. It was the drawing that Caleb gave to me when we were little.

"Where did the time go? It just slipped away from me so fast. That was a more simple time but it's all gone now." Some tears fell down from my cheek and onto the picture.

Some hours passed before I came out of my hideaway. I decided to go out and visit Ellie. Once I arrived at her house, I knocked and she answered, greeting me to come in.

As soon as I was inside I asked: "Ellie could you get your parents? I need to have a talk with them, just to ask a few things."

She had a worry look on her face but she did so as I said. We all gathered in the dining room and I started.

"Mr and Mrs Galeaway, I have gathered you both here because I need to know that I can trust you both."

They had puzzled looks that they exchanged but then looked back at me for an answer. "I fear I'm going to sooner or later get kicked out of my home. Reason being I'm transgender, and my parents are not happy about it." I swallowed a bit feeling stressed.

"Anyways, what I'm asking you both is... if I do get kicked out, can your home be a safe haven for me?" I waited for a response.

"Of course darling. Besides, we already knew you were transgender, Ellie told us the night she came home from the prom." Mrs Galeaway pointed out.

"You'll be welcomed in here as family to us, Lucy and we'll get a room set up for you for when that time comes." Mr Galeaway genuinely said.

"Oh and um please call me Lucas." I sort of smiled. They nodded and as I left I felt some ease knowing I had a safe place to live.

Locked Away Vol. 1Where stories live. Discover now