Its a

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Its a girl!!!! Omg baby we getting a little girl i said to betty while she hold me tight during crying. Its okay baby i said while i got on my knees to kiss her belly were my little princess was . Your daddy loves you so much little girl i said while kissing bettys belly . she started stroking my hair and i looked up at her and then i just started crying while still hugging her .
Its okay jug i said to him our little baby will love you just as much as you love her , she will love you too he said Iknow she will babe. Then he stood up and kissed me and i put my arms around his neck . Juggie can i sit for a moment i feel a little dizzy , of course come sit here princess . I sat down and I immediately started to throw up jug held my hair back. Jug I really don't feel good i said to him. He rubbed my back sshh he said while i began crying i was far in my pregnancy and i was still throwing up almost everyday. Juggie this isn't okay anymore i said to him in a sad voice while still crying

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