A varchie baby ??

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1 hour later archie came in the room and looked told us that they wanted to show us something.
B: arch just get v and let us show what's going on please
J: yeah arch we getting nervous
A: don't be guys its okay *hears a crying baby* ronnie is she okay
V: yeah should I come in
A: yes come in
Then veronica came in with a little baby girl in her arms. Guys meet emma our daughter , she said while coming inside off our room with the little girl.

Omg v you had a baby how old is she , almost two in three weeks already. V why didn't you told me about her , can i hold her. Yeah of course b let her sit on your lap she likes that. Hi sweetie you so cute i said.
But v if she two you and arch were 15 when you guys had her. How did you do that you didn't have money and everything. We lived at my house for awhile and then bought a house for our self. Then after 9 months we had this little cutie , we were so happy that she was finally with us. Awww v i love her so much i didn't think you guys will ever have child but i think are being good parents to her. We try our best but sometimes its hard she said tearing up . V don't cry she is so precious and she has the best parents, thanks b i am happy you support us. Of course v i would do anything for you guys.

I can't believe you guys already had a baby before us i always thought me and betts would have the first baby in the fourcore. Yeah we thought so too but she got pregnant early then expected. So it wasn't planned, no but we were happy when we had her we knew it would be okay. I am a little shook but i I'm happy for you all , she is really beautiful. I hope our little girl is just as beautiful i said while looking at betts with a big smile. She will because she has a handsome father so she will be just as cute and handsome as you are she said . I leaned in to kiss her and then we kissed for a couple seconds, i love you betts i love you too juggie she said.

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