All fine ??

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We were talking to archie and veronica till i got really bad kramps again. I screamed in pain and then jug tried to calm me down but he couldn't. Jugggg it hurtsss i said between sobs, sshh baby its okay you will be fine. What's wrong with my body, its not normal to have this bad kramps 3 times in a short time right v.
Yeah its definitely not okay the doctor has told us when i was pregnant if i had this i needed to come to the hospital . The baby could die she said. That kept repeating in my head my baby could die my baby could die. I started crying because I didn't want to lose her my little girl .
Jug get a doctor they need to make sure our little princess is okay. jug got a doctor they were checking on me then they said everything was just fine its just that i am still young and my body is not really ready for this.

Bettys body wanst really ready for a baby so her body was more fragile for anything. "juggie i knew it was to soon this is gonna hurt both me and the baby" she said. No princess it will all be fine we are going home soon. You need to rest and you are not gonna walk to much, so i am caring you to the car and if we go out you going in a wheelchair i said to her. No jug i can walk my self I don't want to be a burden for you. You are not betts i love you and out daughter and i need to keep you guys save i said. You are NOT a burden baby never EVER call your self that okay? , yeah.

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