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Peashooter pov

My head hurts, the throbbing pain coming from the back... its painful. It was dark like the time I was stuck in the closet, not telling that story. Pondering thoughts are passing through my mind where was I in the first place? I could be at home, it could calm me down if there wasn't chains on my stem. Almost about to talk "U-" pausing, that wouldn't be a good idea. So far I was correct, the door opened and I saw a peek of a pointy hats which only gave me bad vibes. Oh was gnome, but it wasn't alone. I close my eyes pretending to be asleep, and I think it worked
Before I knew it I was lifted up from the ground.


"Peashooter I know your awake." A old familiar voice which I despised. It couldn't be I sealed the place. Wait! No I didn't.
I opened my eyes to the familiar place I know and hate, and in the middle of statues portals and such was King Gnome. He looked pleased to see me I suppose he was drinking something from a cup which I assume was tea, the aroma of flowers was one of the clues. This guy better have an explanation for this.

"So Peashooter you must be very confuse, am I correct?" Taking another sip of his drink he plays with his beard. "Because of the face your making you want answers."
I look around to get a better look at the place, the tall pillars that were either broken down or imperfectly placed gave me shivers. I then looked back at the king, "Actually I do."

The king took a huge muffin that appeared out of no where, and took a bite. Taking a few chews until swallowing, " Well I need to discus something important to you."
" Why though? Everything's fine- there's no war going on!! The people are hap-" I was then cut off. " No, peoples opinions don't matter!!"

Okay this guy is either nuts, or he hit his head on something!!

"It's about the rebels!!" The King now with a glad expression also filled with worry gave me chills.

What rebels?

Pvz Fanfic/*old* Badly Written**Where stories live. Discover now