Chapter 50b

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Phana's POV

"Your Kitty got a stomach-ache."

There...I didn't have to wait long to see the results I was expecting. Ming's facial expression changed abruptly the moment he heard my words that he actually walked out as fast he could to get back to the beach house.

Ming's POV

I rushed back to the cottage and found P'Kit sleeping soundly. I was worried that P'Kit was feeling worse than he had said because even though the rest of us had woken up to walk around, he'd stayed in bed. I just wanted to make sure he was okay so I shook him awake.

"What do you want Ming...just let me sleep." He complained then rolled away so I was presented with his back.

I didn't mind the new position. In fact, I had learnt to love holding him in my arms. Even though he sometimes complained that I was too hot or too clingy or just too much...he had never once actually thrown me out of bed – I mean, except for the first time. P'Kit acted mean but he was the sweetest, kindest, saltiest man I knew. I was really lucky that he was mine.

I could feel my body responding to his. Unlike him I was in perfect health and having a taste of him had only whet my appetite. P'Kit needed to rest and I needed to get a hold of myself even though all I could think about was what it would feel like to finally own him in every sense of the word. I wanted to possess him and leave a mark so deep and so indelible, he would never be able to get me out of his heart, his mind, even his skin.

I was waiting. I knew he'd give me a sign. It had happened before. It would definitely happen again. But I was done getting myself off. Dreaming of P'Kit's hands on my body...on my cock had fuelled too many jerk off sessions.

"How long are you going to tease me Phi?" I whispered the question in his ear and heard him make a sound of protest. "Sorry P'Kitkat...just sleep well."

I was worried about how easy it was for him. I was also tired but.... Will I ever stop worrying about him? Do I even want to?

I snuggled against him trying to get closer then closed my eyes. But the harder I tried to sleep, the more elusive it was. Random things kept running through my head. Each of them associated with P'Kit. I tried to think of how exams had gone; I remembered sitting with P'Kit in his room while he studied and I held onto him, teasing him and generally annoying him even though I should really have been studying too.

I thought about the bet P'Forth and I made against P'Pha and realized there was no way I could have agreed to the same thing. Better to be called a loser than be denied this opportunity.

The trouble with thinking about Kit was that I also ended up thinking about making love to him. Holding him. Kissing him. This was a dangerous track because no matter what good intentions I had I was hot blooded too.

I wanted nothing more than to...

Shia...I'm hard! Now!!? What is this effect this man has on me? I groaned in frustration but the feeling wasn't going away. If anything it was getting more insistent.

I was careful as I unwound my hands from P'Kit's body. Quiet as I moved to the main door and locked it. Then thinking better of it, I wrote a quick note, stuck it on the door to keep the others out and then locked P'Kit and me inside. I watched to make sure he was still sleeping then tiptoed to the bathroom. It was a mess in there (what with so many guys sharing the space) but I wasn't the cleaning crew so I tried not to think about it. I was intent on one thing.

Kit's POV

I woke up when I felt Ming move away from me. I was that attuned to his presence that I couldn't sleep if he had been there and then suddenly wasn't. It meant I had woken up on many nights when he had felt the need to use the bathroom...just like he was now.

I ignored it the best I could the first few times. But curiosity got the better of me. It's not like he would go into the bathroom then come out a minute or so later...there were times he'd be in there for five to ten minutes and it wasn't because he had the urgent need to poop. It was for entirely different reasons. Reasons that made my face burn red hot with embarrassment whenever I thought of it.

Because while Beam had no qualms about asking me about the size of Ming's cock. I definitely had qualms about telling him. Mainly because I wasn't ready to explain exactly how I came to be in possession of such information. Because I knew for a fact Ming was big. I'd felt it against me when he held me. I'd held it through his clothes when we got carried away by our make out sessions. But none of that had prepared me for the sight of it. A sight I was more than happy to enjoy again as I tiptoed to the bathroom where Ming was and cracked open the door.

He was standing with his back resting against the glass door of the shower stall starring at his reflection in the vanity mirror. His shorts and boxers are at his ankles. His t-shirt was pulled up to reveal his tight abs and his dark nipples.

I unconsciously licked my lips. There was something so disarming about Ming. It was not hard to see why he was the campus moon. His face, his body they were just so beautiful. But his personality was what had charmed me. Goofy, sweet, sexy and when it was called for; serious, overprotective and insanely considerate. I lucked out.

I watched him stroke himself. Tease his nipples. Run his hand over his abs. Playing with each indentation and moaning softly; like he was trying to keep his voice down but couldn't really hold it in. I watched him with fascination. I could do this forever. But seeing him like this was making me horny too. I wanted to touch myself but more than that I wanted him to touch me.

"Uhh...fuck!" I heard him say as he continued to stroke his cock. His curses sending a whip of sensation through space until it bit at my own desire and before I could talk myself out of it I was matching his movement.

Long strokes on my shaft that were less about coming than about feeling the arousal rise and slither though my senses. Teasing the head of my cock and feeling the heat pool in centre of my being. Watching him try and keep his eyes open as he looked at the mirror; seeing something I couldn't in his imagination and affording me a sight so heated that I felt like I might burst into flame. I wanted to close my eyes. To send my head back and just feel. But if I did that I couldn't see him. Couldn't partake of his process...and that is what I was here for.

He moaned again. Louder this time. His free hand was holding onto his thigh. Grabbing and releasing. His strokes got shorter and shorter. Focusing on his glans and the sensitive slit. And then without warning he shuddered into his hand, his breath choked off to stave off a cry but one word still got through, "Kit!"

There was no conscious awareness of anything other than the connection between us reaching straight into my body and pulling my orgasm out of me at the sound of my name on Ming's lips. I had to bite my own lip to stop from crying out but the moans of pleasure still spilled out. I lost the battle against continued visual contact. I lost the battle against continued coordination of my limbs. I lost the battle against my continued resistance of Mingkwan Daichapanya. Shaking with reaction I leaned against the wall beside the bathroom door and tried to catch my breath. It was a long minute before I could do more than just stand there.

The sound of Ming cleaning up his cum from the bathroom floor finally moved me into action. I wasn't very coordinated as I put my clothes back on and grabbed a dirty t-shirt from our pile of laundry to clean up my own cum from the floor. But I somehow managed to get back into bed and pretending to be asleep by the time Ming walked out of the bathroom.

I felt him hovering over me for a moment. Then I felt his warm breath against my cheek before his cool lips touched my cheek. I was afraid he would notice both my heightened colour and temperature but it had a more startling effect because he whispered, "Feel better."

Then he walked out the door and I was left wondering what he was talking about. Until that was overrun by the thoughts of what I wanted to do to him...what I wanted us to do together.

[Author's Note: Does this explain why Ming and Kit are always so shy and embarrassed about their sex lives even if they haven't yet 'gone all the way'?]

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