Chapter 60c-i

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Ming and Kit

Kit's POV

The whole time he was talking Ming was pushing me in the direction of our room. When we finally got inside he slammed and locked the door. "You belong to me."

"Ming..." Kit said with his hands out in supplication. "...can you calm down a bit?"

"Oh...I am calm. I am very calm."

He pulled me into his arms and kissed me.

"Put your hands around my shoulder." He order.

I did as he wanted and the next thing I knew he was lifting me off the ground. I wrapped my legs around his waist and he used that to his advantage to spin me around and pin me to the wall. He was grinding into me mercilessly as his mouth plundered mind. Stealing my breath and fogging up my mind. My senses coming awake to his insistent caresses. Nothing gentle about the way he was handling me. And I revelled in it.

I was afraid I might come like that but he stopped the minute I whimpered into his mouth. "You don't think you are just going to cum like this, do you?"

I may have forgotten that this was a punishment because of how amazing it felt but clearly Ming still had his wits about him. "What are you going to do to me?" I asked welcoming whatever he had in mind because of this feeling I had right now was any indication, I was going to have one hell of a night.

Ming pulled away from the wall. He let go of my legs and I felt like I was falling but he caught me before I could touch the ground. I yelped in alarm then held on to him again. Clearly he was testing if I was following his instructions and on the count of holding onto his neck, I had already failed.

"Take your clothes off." He commanded.

I didn't even have the sense to feel shy about it. I just walked to the bed and started getting undressed. When I was finally naked (and I had carefully folded all my clothes into a neat pile) I looked up to see Ming clearly appreciating the view. "What is wrong with you?" I complained.

"You are absolutely beautiful." He said.

I could not believe the goofball was actually using this opportunity to tease me. I wanted to throttle him but that was asking for trouble on top of the trouble I was already in. He came closer to me and run his hand through my hair. I leaned into his touch and when he held the back of my skull and pulled at my hair I was forced to look up at him.

I thought he was going to kiss me but he missed my mouth and went straight for my neck. He took a bite and I was torn between the protest of pain and the moan of pleasure so it came out as something strange between the two. Only he laved the spot with his tongue send out a flair of goose bumps all over my body.

He pushed me to the bed. I thought he would settle between them so I reached out for him but he pushed my hands away. "Get on your knees."

I did. Then he pulled me to the edge of the bed. I turned to look back at him but he slapped my ass. "Face forward." I was so shocked by his action for a minute I didn't do anything then I felt him reach between my legs. His hands went from teasing my hole to rolling my balls in his palm then stroking my cock.

The variety of sensations was so intense I wasn't sure if I wanted him to stop or continue.

It was torture and for the first time I understood how this could be a punishment. He could do this for hours and depending on how much stimuli he gave me I could be right on the edge of orgasm without ever being able to come. And I knew begging would only prolong the torture. So even though it was all I wanted to do, I bit my tongue and tried to endure his ministrations

Then I felt something warm and wet against my ass. At first it thought he'd gotten the lube but I hadn't seen him go in search of it and I doubt he was carrying it around in his pocket. Then I felt it again only this time I had no doubt about it.

" can't...ahhh..."

He was teasing me with his tongue. I thought I could handle the pleasure but it was too much. He had a strong grip on my hips so I couldn't move and meanwhile his tongue was doing things I didn't even know where possible. He stabbed me with it over and over again. I could feel my body respond and I was shaking and shivering and begging and shouting and trying to pull away yet also pushing into his mouth in the hope of getting more.

I was going to die from this.

I knew it yet no matter that I was telling him exactly that, Ming didn't stop. He didn't stop until I was coming all over the bed not a touch to my cock. Nothing beyond the penetration of his tongue in my ass and I was consumed. But even as I trembled Ming was not done with me.

I didn't know my body was capable of so much pleasure. I didn't know Ming was capable of melding me to his will with such ease. I loved it. I loved him. This time when he walked to his toilet back and came back with lube and a condom I refused to stay still. I watched him from just over my shoulder and when he started preparing me, I stayed his hand. "I want you...just you."

Just him. Would he give me what I wanted?

I felt the blunt head of his cock against my hole. I felt the slide of lubricant. But when he started penetrating me there was a marked increase in the friction of my skin against his skin with nothing in-between. Just him. Just me.

"I love you." I cried.

I think I had rendered him speechless. Grunts and moans didn't count as language.

This was my punishment.

This was my gift.

When he moved I moved with him. When he held on to me I pulled him tight against my back so that we were tied together in every sense of the word. He was kneeling behind me and I moved to do the same. On the bed with my back to his front. With his hands around waist and my cock. With mine steadying my movements to keep up with him; one on his thigh and the other thrown over my head to hold his so his mouth was at my ear.

We moved together.

He thrust into me and I thrust into his hand. I felt it every time his cock grazed across my prostate. The stutter that broke my rhythm and stole my breath. The friction was so delicious and so intense I never wanted it to stop. I was far from ready for what happened next. Because Ming reached his climax with a cry so loud I knew it could be heard throughout the building let alone our shared suite. In that moment I felt his semen paint my insides. Each spatter sending shock waves of unbelievable pleasure through me that when my second orgasm finally hit I was so far gone I didn't know who I was or where I was.

I only knew one thing:

I belonged to Ming.

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