Chapter One

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Thursday night and I'm sitting in my cramped shitty hotel room looking for some work. The grey newspapers are scattered over the floor and table as I sit with my eyes glued on an article I had just found.
"3 teens found dead in an abandoned one knows who is the murderer but police are searching," I read aloud as I reached for my beige mug filled with strong coffee. I needed it after all, not sleeping for days makes you tired and coffee was my best friend.
I pulled my laptop towards me and searched the address of the house, looking for any other murders that could have occurred here.
"Myths say that the Cornwell Abandoned mansion is haunted by the ghost of Mr Cornwell. He died at the age of 99 when trespassers snuck into his house and killed him. It is said that he kills those who come into the house by killing them the way the trespassers murdered him 100 years ago...stabbing them in the head with a thin pole," I read aloud, taking a sip of my warm coffee as I finished.
'Hm' I thought as I tapped my dark green painted fingernails on the wooden table. Finally, after a few long minutes, I came to my conclusion. Yes. It's an easy mission after all. Ghosts? No big deal.
That same night, I packed all the necessary items in my black duffel bag for my hunt. Rock salt, my Walther PK 380, my Walther P99 S, salt, a lighter, iron bars and more. When I finished, I packed all my things away between the mattresses and got changed (grey tank, combat boots and my black jean/leggings). I picked up my bag and raced out the hotel, mounted my motorbike and headed towards the Cornwell Mansion.
Half an hour later and I arrived. The mansion was situated on an isolated hill where everything was dead. The air was cold and thin and the sky was clear, not stars nor clouds we to be seen. I pulled my gun out of the duffel bag and placed it in my pants as I carried the bag towards the mansion. The Cornwell Masion was completely surrounded by a barb wire fence, except for a small opening I spotted with the corner of my eye. I climbed though the hole and made my way inside.
The wooden floor creaked softly as I stepped quietly outside, I placed my duffel bag on a pot plant outside, hidden by the skeleton of a dead bunch of flowers. With my gun in my hand, I creeped through the house searching for the demon. the wallpaper was crinkled up and torn, the wooden beams, battered and broken. portraits of Mr Cornwell and his family laid around the house. I searched the lounge but all I found was graffiti and a small material doll sitting on the couch. I lowered my gun and picked up the doll to look at it. she was small and full of dust and dirt. I looked up and saw pictured in the mantel piece by the fire, one of them were of a little girl holding this doll. As I put the doll down, I heard a creak behind me, I turned quickly, picking up a iron pole as I did and swung it as hard as I could, all I could see was the dusty fog of Mr Cornwell disappear into thin air.
"Stop getting distracted," I muttered to myself as I walked through the house again. So many doors and so many rooms, it was hard to keep track of where you've been and where you haven't. I was about to enter a room when I heard the floor creak again, I looked to where the noise was coming from and gripped the iron pole tight as I drew nearer. 'He is opposite the door to me' I thought as I stared at one of the few doors that were intact. I raised the pole to my side and swung the door open. Just as I was about to hit the bastard with the iron pole. I noticed that he wasn't a ghost. Well, THEY weren't a ghost. Two men stood facing me, both with guns and ready to shoot. I lowered the bar and yelled,
"What the hell are you two doing here? Do you have a permit? This is FBI business!! Get your nosy asses out of here before I arrest you both for trespassing!!" I yelled with a serious look on my face. Of course I was lying but thankfully I had brought my fake FBI ID in case I ran into some unwanted business. They looked at each other and then back at me.
"We're FBI agents too," the short one said with a smirk. I raised an eyebrow and stared at him in disappointment.
"Dude, she has rock salt in her pocket, she's a hunter chill," the brown haired one said as he gestured to me with his gun. As he said this I furrowed my eyebrows.
"You're...hunters?" I asked, loosening my grip on the bar.
"Yea, are you?" the brown haired boy asked.
"Yea, I am-" I started to say but at that moment, the ghost appeared behind the short one. I raised my arms and swung but he disappeared.
"Duck!" Yelled the brown haired one as he raised his gun to my head. I ducked as he commanded and heard the soft whimper of a ghost disappearing.
"Have you found the body?" I asked quickly as I rushed out the door.
"No, I looked in the back yard but he wasn't there," the brown haired one said.
"Then he is in the house. where have you looked?" I demanded.
"Down here and outside," the short one said. I looked at them both before heading upstairs. I heard their footsteps and knew they were following me.
"You guys check left I'll go right, if you don't find anything find me and I'll do the same," I said, not looking them in the eyes. I could see however both of them shake their heads and move towards the left section of the mansion. I ran right. searching for this ghost prick who was trying to kill me. Every room I searched high and low, tore the boards but I couldn't find anything. I was almost done checking the rooms when I heard one of the guys scream. I ran towards them.
"Guys?!" I yelled, searching in every room when finally I bursts into a bedroom and found the short one unconscious on the ground and the brown haired one trying to fend off the ghost.
"There!" He yelled as he looked at a pile of wooden planks that were taken out of the ground. I ripped them open and fumbled to find my salt which was in my back pocket. I quickly poured salt on the corpse and set the little shit on fire. He topped attacking the brown haired boy and burst into flames, letting out a cry of angry and sadness. I stood there, out of breath, staring at the both. The brown haired boy ran to the shorty and helped him regain consciousness. While he was distracted, I made a run for it. Down the stairs, out the door, on my bike and road back to my shitty hotel room with my duffel bag. 'I've met more hunters' I thought to myself as I rode back. 'I'm not the only one' I thought as a small smile grew on my face.
I arrived at the hotel and went inside to find it just how I had left it. I dropped my bag and collapsed on the bed. As soon as I was about to make myself coffee, there was a gentle knock on the door. I walked over and opened it a few centimetres. It was them.
"Hello? Yea, I'm hi, can we come in?" The brown haired boy asked. His voice was deep yet gentle and he seemed very polite. I opened the door and stared at them.
"Come on in," I said as they entered the warm apartment and stood awkwardly looking at me.
"Let's cut the small talk and crap, who are you?" The short one demanded. the brown haired boy elbowed him and looked at me.
"I'm sorry about him, I'm Sam," the brown haired boy said, "and this is my brother Dean, and you are?" He asked politely. I looked at them both before answering.
"Im Alex, now what do you want?"

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