Chapter 22

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After talking to Belle and Dean, I made my way to my room and sat against the wall. The blonde idiot who kissed my girlfriend was the Geomn. I grabbed a pen and paper that was on the side of my desks and started noting down what he looked like and where I last say him. Brown eyes, blonde curly short hair, pale, skinny, wearing jeans and white t-shirt. The bar on Reals Dr I though to myself as I wrote it down. It was 10 at night. This day seemed to go on forever. I got up,arched to Dean's room where he was hugging Belle and stopped right by the door.

"Pack your shit we are finding this bastard and killing him, tonight. If it's the last damn thing I will ever do, I'm killing this son of a bitch and if you don't want to help me, so be it," I spat coldly. Belle sat up straight and wiped her eyes.

"We'll help you," she said as Dean shook his head in approval. Dean and Belle began to pack as I left my bag at the door and went to say bye to Alex. Whether it was a bye for now or a bye for ever. As I opened the door I saw Bobby sitting in the chair.

"Hey can I have a minute with her?" I asked politely as Bobby nodded, connected the tube to the blood pouch hanging on the long steel pole next to we bed and left the room so I could be with her. I walked over to the bed and gently placed a few strands off her forehead.

"Hey sweetheart, we are going to I'll this idiot that hurt you okay? So stay put and don't do anything stupid okay?" I said with a laugh as a tear rolled down my cheek. I wiped it away quickly and smiled weakly. She was so beautiful. I rested my forehead on her shoulder and began to speak again.

"I'm going to kill this son of a bitch and then you'll wake up and then I'm going to take you an the fucking most expensive dinner date anyone had ever been on and I'm going to spoil you rotten because you deserve everything is the world, and...and I..." I began but I kissed her on the forehead before whispering "I love you."

We all climbed into Dean's car and started to drive towards the bar Alex was infected. During the drive it was a silence. Well all knew we couldn't just pull a topic out of thin air because all that roamed around our mines was Alex. When we arrived, a few cars were parked outside the bar and the lights were on as well as a soft sound of music playing. We entered the alcohol smelling bad and heard Dean or Alive by Bon Jovi playing in the background. We walked towards the bartender who was wiping the filthy counter. She was probably in her fifties and had a lot of colours in her hair.

"How can I help you guys?" She asked as she chewed her gum loudly.

"Hi we are looking for my sisters...boyfriend," Sam said as he looked awkwardly at Belle who folded her arms in disgust and Dean who raised an eyebrow and bit his lip so he wouldn't say anything.

"Oh okay well I don't know names but what did your guy look like?" She asked Belle.

"Short, blonde, curly hair. Real skinny, was here last night? Wore jeans and a white sh-" Belle began wen the woman smiled and interrupted.

"Oh that guy! The one who kissed that girl? Yea him I've seen him here a couple times!" She said. I tightened my fist and took a deep breathe.

"Yea do you know what room he stayed in?" Dean asked as he secretly kicked me.

"Yea he was in 193, that all?" She asked me with a smile.

"No that's it, thanks," I said as I walked out and made my way straight to his motel room. Dean went to knock but I kicked the door and it swung open.

"What?" I asked in a pissed voice with a raised eyebrow but Dean shook his head.

"Nothing," he replied. We took out our guns and made our way into the motel room. As we entered, the door closed and the man stood there. We all turned to face him but he just smiled.

"Well well well look who came to come find me," he said coldly. I raised my gun to shoot but Belle stopped me.

"Don't Sam it'll make to much noise," she told me. I put my gun away and so did the others.

"How's your girlfriend? Dead?" He asked in a joking manner but I punched him across the face. His skin broke under my knuckles bus as I pulled away, it EW connected itself.

"You see, i heal," he said with a cold smile as he punched me.

"But you don't," he continued as he looked down at him knuckles and saw blood. Dean walked up to him and swing but missed and got kicked back and broke a chair as he fell.

"You see, it's fun infecting people," he said as he kicked me down and I felt a rib crack.

"You can see how they are suffering. And your girlfriend I must say was the most fun to infect," he continued as he pulled me up by my collar and punched me twice across the face.

"You know, her parents died the same way," he went on as he kicked me once again causing me to spit out blood onto the beige coloured carpet. I looked up at Belle and I saw her eyes widen. She ran to the man and tackled him and started to punch him frantically but he pushed her off and she hit the edge of her head on the corner of the table. Dean got up and threw one of Belles iron knives into his heart but it did nothing. He pulled it out, looked at Belle, smiled and threw it in her arm. Her scream was so horrifying Dean ran to him and hit him across the face with one of the broken off wooden les from the chair he broke. It didn't work. He punched Dean and he fell to the floor next to me.

"Do you not get it? You can't kill me," he said with a laugh as he stepped on Dean's stomach and I could hear the bones crack. He screamed and the man laughed.

"This is me," he said as he all looked up at him and saw his face morf into a disgusting. He had small grey eyes that were drooping and his nose had disappeared, all he had were 2 holes like a snake. He had no lips and his teeth were decayed and brown, sharp and broken. His skin was like the shell of a lizard and it was cracked and broken. Belle began throwing knives at him, hitting him in the chest and between the eyes. After she threw one, he fell to his knees and pulled it out. He charged towards her, leaving Dean and I on the floor behind him. He began to kick and punch her. Dean was about to help but I stopped him and picked up the blade. It was made of Scandium. I stood up with the blade and so did Dean. We snuck up behind him and Dean held him in a choke hold but the man walked backwards until Dean hit his back hard against the brick wall but he didn't let go. I put the knife his throat and was about to decapitate him when he spoke.

"You can kill me, but infecting her was the best thing I did, and don't worry, there are more," he whispered coldly as he laughed but I had heard enough. I sliced open his neck and his head fell to the floor neck to my foot. I kicked it like a football and dropped the knife. After cleaning everything we touched, we got back in the car and made our way to Bobbys house. Belle was bleeding everywhere and Dean kept a hand over his stomach. Belle suddenly spoke up.

"I did research, and it said that if the one that infected the person dies, they wake up," she whispered. Dean sped up the car. Once we arrived, I made my way upstairs to check on Alex. As I entered, Alex laid there, just as she was before. I suppose Belles research was wrong.
I sat down and kissed her hand.

"Take your time, I know what it'll like living with me and my brother," I joked. I sat there for the rest of the night until my eyes began to get heavy and I fell asleep in the chair next to Alex. I woke up at 2 that morning. I stood up and looked at my beautiful girlfriend for a few minutes and that's when it happened. Her eyes opened.

Follow SupernaturallyBri and read her great fanfiction Highways also a supernatural fanfiction!!

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