Chapter 6

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"So, Lydia, how old are you?" Sam asked, taking out his notebook and writing down we answers.

"I'm 8," she said as she swinger her legs seeing as they were too short to touch the ground.

"And where were you last night?" Dean asked raising an eyebrow as he did when he was curious.

"You mean when my mommy died?" Lydia said, still smiling. Dean nodded.

"I was there, I saw what happened to her and her blood got on my shirt," she continued as she pulled her shirt to look at it. The dried red blood chipped off and fell onto the table. Dean gagged.

"Did you love your mommy Lydia?" I finally asked. Sam and Dean looked at me with the why-the-hell-would-you-ask-that look. I shrugged and turned my gaze at Lydia who seemed to still be playing with her dolls hair.

"Yes, I loved my mommy so much, she made me breakfast and dinner and lunch and took me to the park and combed my hair and-" she started before Dean cut her off.

"Okay, she was a great mom, got it," he said raising both eyebrows. As Sam and Dean kept asking Lydia questions I stoop up and looked around the room trying to find a mirror. I could hear them talking still, useless questions. None of them were going to help us find out if she was a changeling. Finally I spotted a mirror in the corner of the room. As I moved to a position to where I could see Lydia whilst trying not to make it obvious, I saw her. We'll it. The eyes were large hollow and black and her mouth was circular and filled with many large, spiky and filthy teeth. I looked at Dean and nodded then sat don't next to him.

"Listen here you-" Dean said before I elbowed him in r stomach causing him to lose his breath.

"Thank you Lydia for giving us your time to answer some questions. We will catch the murderer of your mommy don't worry. Goodbye," I said before standing up and leaving the room. am and Dean came along.

As soon as we got into the car Dean turned to me and yelled.

"What the hell Alex! I was about to shoot her damn head off in there!!"

"Firstly dipshit, we were in a police station you couldn't just shoot her head off! Secondly you can't kill them by shooting them! Are you sure you're a hunter asshole?! And thirdly! It's better to catch a changeling by surprise! Do you not know this?! Huh??!! And you lose your shit at me when in fact you were at fault!" I replied as my voice raised. Sam sat there silently letting us sort it out.

"Okay, sorry, damn," Dean said before turning to start the car and head to a hotel. Sam turned to me.

"How do you know it's better to catch them by surprise?" He asked as curiosity was clear on his face.

"Research," I lied But he didnt seem to notice. The car ride was silent from them on until we got to the hotel room. Dean once again checked us in and got us a room.

"Come on we should try and figure out where the best could be," Dean said as we marched to the hotel room with our bags and key. As we entered we all sat down to share out thoughts.

"Well, changeling have mothers right? Well, one mother and that mother kidnaps the kids and replaces them with her demon child to be raised by a human," I stated. Dean clapped.

"Good job on pointing out the obvious," he mocked with a smile. I punched him and continued.

"So the mother must be someone who is around the children a lot? Maybe a nanny? Or a tutor? Or a maid or even a family friend of Helen maybe?" I suggested and we all thought for a while.

"It's only, what 10 past 1 lets go speak to the neighbours and stuff, maybe they have information?"Sam suggested as I nodded my head in approval but Dean on the other hand shook his dead and disagreed.

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