Chapter 29 (Final)

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I wanted to talk but I physically couldn't. I looked over at Dean who's mouth was stitched up and I assumed that mine was too. Sam finally gained consensusness and tried to talk but he faced the same struggles as me. I was in so much pain I looked down at my stomach and saw blood seeping through Sams shirt I was wearing and my white shorts were a dark red colour now from my blood.

"Hello Darling," I heard a sinister voice say. I jerked my head up which was the worst idea, because it felt as though my brain was loose inside my head and like it was knocking against my skull when I moved. I saw a figure of a man but I couldn't make out who it was.

"Don't try and speak sweetheart," he said as he strutted towards me and placed his thumb on my chin forcing me to look straight at him.

"You, Alex, don't know who I am, so let me introduce myself," he said before stepping back so I could see his whole figure.

"I, am the one and only, Crowley," he said with a wicked smile and arms in the air as if he were some egotistical prick, which I think he was.

"You should know me as the king of hell," he continued as Dean tried to talk but it was muffled and the chain he was attached to began to rattle furiously.

"Shush little Dean don't worry," he said as if Dean were a toddler. I tried to keep my eyes open but nothing helped, I was lightheaded from the amount of blood is lost and everything was spinning, even my vision was blurry.

"Hm okay you, Alex, are the one who has lost the most so I'll be kind to you," he said as he clicked his fingers and 2 possessed people came and undid the thread from my eyes.

"I'm sorry about art the new things like thread, but my old was of torture
Was getting a little...boring so I'm trying something new, what do you think?" He asked me as the demons undid the stitches over my lips.

"Fantastic," I whispered sarcastically as the taste of blood filled my tastebuds. The man named Crowley tilted his head and smiled his evil smile.

"Well you see, I need someone to do my killing," he said as he began to walk around me slowly. I laid on the cold wooden floor of the apartment with closed eyes as I took deep breathes.

"You want me?" I asked slowly and out of breath as Crowley laughed softly.

"Well, of course, after all what would your parents want?" He asked me as my eyes opened fast and I death stared him.

"What do my parents have to do with this?" I asked as Crowley walked to Dean and hit him over the head, causing him to go unconscious. Then he walked to Sam and did the same thing.

"Well little baby Alex, you know nothing. So here is the story of your messed up little family. You're mother, was the love of my life. And she was an angel, quite literally actually. The sister of Castiel to be specific. I'm sure you know who he is," Crowley started as I kept him in my stare. I had never met Castiel but Sam, Dean and Belle told me about him quite a lot.

"Well you see, your father is my brother. But he found interest in your mom and well, had you and your sister Belle,"️ he said as he walked towards her and pushed her causing her to swing back and forth. 'This is not true it's a lie to get in your head' I kept telling myself.

"So, my darling niece, how would you like to go into your Uncles line of work?" Crowley asked me as I spat at his shoes.

"Fuck you," I mumbled as I looked back at my shoes but suddenly I felt my hair being pulled.

"Well I've tried the nice way, now to try the hard way," he said as he dragged me along the floor to a bench and tied me to it. He began to torture me. Cutting me on my arms, legs, throat and face. Punching me constantly and even kicking my ribs in.

"Do what I tell you!" He yelled but I didn't listen.

"Never you egotistical little fuckward!" I yelled but that only gave me another kick. He resulted to bashing my head in, making my eye swollen and full of puss. Then, he got a small sharp copped dagger, and dragged it along my stomach just like I had seen that time in the mirror. Crowley left me for a while but came back and sat in the chair next to the bench I was strapped to. I had never been scared, of anything. But this time, I was terrified.

"You're parents never loved you. You know that?" He asked me but I breathed deeply trying not to feel the pain and staring at the yellowish cracked ceiling.

"For a king I would have thought you could afford a better hotel instead of this shithouse," I spat as he laughed.

"Very funny, but no one in this world loves you Alex, no one but me," he said in a sympathetic way. I didn't listen I just stared ahead and tried to block out everything he was saying, but the words penetrated my brain and knocked down the walls of me blocking him out. I looked at sam with furrowed eyes wondering if he loved me. Crowley took a deep breathe and I could see in the corner of my eye that he was smilingly.

"You think he loves you do you?" He asked me as I stared back at the ceiling and a tear rolled down my temple.

"Well," he continued as he moved closer to me.

"No one will ever love you," he whispered in my ear. I didn't say a word and I could see it was pissing Crowley off. He stood up angrily and marched to the other room. I looked up at Belle, Dean and my Sammy who were all hanging there, helplessly and looking so lifeless, thank goodness I could see them breathing. Was the things Crowley was saying true? I'm half demon and half Angel? I closed my eyes and blocked the though out when the door opened and Crowley entered as well as a tall red headed demon girl and two men who were both tall and had black hair.

"I've tried being nice to you, I've tried torturing you, I've tried making you see the truth but nothing seems to work and nothing seems to make you see that working with me, is the right thing to do. So, in saying that," he started as the demons each stood next to either Sam, Dean or Belle.

"I suppose I have to kill them and maybe then you will do what I say," he said as he cut me loose and pushed me off the bench. I fell lifeless onto the cold floor and looked up at my three friend. My family.

"If you agree to work with me they live,
But if you don't, I will rip off your anti possession tattoo and possess you, on the count of three," Crowley said in a sinister manner.

"1," he said slowly as I death stared him.

"2," he said again but this time with a worried smile and a raised eyebrow. I didn't move but I prayed he was bluffing.

"Three," he said as the demons went to stab them but stopped when I screamed "Okay!"

"Finally, you've come to your senses," he said with a sinister smile and picked me up by the arm and pushed me out the room and locked me into another. I had to do what I had to do. I needed to save My sister, I needed to save Dean, I needed to save Sam. I watched out he window as all three of them were loaded into a car and the white Toyota drove off into the distance. This is what my life was going to be like. I was going to be in a Living Hell.


Thank you all so much for reading my book. Sorry if you didn't like it haha but I still appreciate you reading it :) this is my final chapter of this book. IF YOU WANT A SEQUEL, you will get one BUT ONLY if my book gets over 1000 reads :) by the way, my name is Shelby :) I want to thank SupernaturallyBri for being such a great support while I was writing this book, she was Belle. You guys should read her amazing book "Highways" (also a supernatural Fanfiction) and her latest book "Nothing But Friends."

Thank you all again and I hope I will get enough reads so that I will write a sequel :3

Too-da-loo for now :)

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