Chapter 12

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I smiled and walked towards him. I couldn't believe him! He bought me clothes!! And he is taking me on a date! He handed me the warm coffee in a styrofoam cup and opened the car door for me. I didn't say a word. He walked around and got in his side and started up the car. Finally I spoke.

"So where are you taking me?" I asked in a shy voice as I sipped my coffee. Sam just smiled and started driving.

"Oh fine then doing tell me," I said with a laugh as I stuck my tongue out. As we drove we spoke quite a lot. He told me about himself and Dean and how they became hunters and that he went to Stanford and wanted to become a lawyer before everything happened. It was about an hour after we left when Sam pulled up on the side of the road and looked at me. I raised and eyebrow and was about to speak when he placed his finger over my lips.

"Sh, put this on," he said with a smile as he handed me a black strip of cloth.

"Over my eyes?" I asked curiously. What the hell was going on? He nodded.

"No way how do I know you aren't going to rape me or something," I joked and Sam pulled a are-you-kidding-me face.

"You trust me?" He asked and i nodded.

"Then, put in the damn blind fold," he continued as I shook my head and did what he said. We drove for a little while longer before we pulled up and Sam got out of the car. The door on my side opened and a hand held mine.

"Come on," Sam said as he directed me out of the car and we started walking. I could hear water and birds beginning to chip. The smell of nature infected the area we were in. Finally, we stopped. Sam let go of my hand and walked behind me to loosed the blind fold. As he did this, the beauty revealed itself to me. We were in a field filled with beautiful white daisies. A meter I front of me was a picnic blanket and a basket and there was a river and a small waterfall in sight. The willow trees blew in the soft and gentle wind and over all it was gorgeous. The sun hadn't risen you and I suspect that's why Sam left with me so early in the morning. I walked over to the picnic blanket, holding Sams hand as I did this, and sat down. The biggest smile was slapped across my pale face. As Sam sat down opposite me, I quickly wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. This was incredible. No one has ever down something like this for me before in my whole life. I pulled away and rested my forehead on his.

"You're amazing," I whispered and Sams smile grew wider. I sat down properly and looked at him.

"So, last night when I didn't go to sleep I drove looking for a place like this. And I have some necessities such as," he started as he pulled the basket towards him. As opened it.

"I have coffee, Nandos burgers seeing as you nearly died of happiness when Belle passed you one last night, fries, a blanket in case it gets cold and music," he said as he placed all the things out next to him. I somehow smiled even more. This was incredible. How and why the hell would someone so amazing like Sam find any interest in someone like me? I bit my bottom lip and laughed.

"What?" He asked with a smile.

"Nothing just, this is amazing and no one has ever done something like this for me, you're incredible Sam," I said as I felt tears forming in my eyes but I refused to let them flow. He made his way over next to me and hugged me tightly. His arms we wrapped around my shoulders and mine were wrapped around his waist. He placed his chin on my head and I could feel he was smiling.

"Well, I hope you like it," he said. I laughed.

"Like it? I love it, I mean shit dude you bought me clothes and we taking me on a date to a field of daisies and you have Nandos and coffee so of course I'm happy," I replied. He kissed me gently on the top of my head before handing me a burger as we watched the aggressively orange sun rise over the frosty mountains and through the parting clouds. We spoke for hours. But we never ran out of things to talk about. We shared our likes, dislikes, interests, hobbies and so much more. He was extremely funny. After 3 hours of talking we laid down next to each other watching the clouds. I rested my head on his chest, his heart was beating at a steady pace. The soft music was playing, one of my favourite songs 'Come In Eileen' by Dexys Midnight Runners. Slowly I began to fall asleep. And as I did so, Sam traced his finger over my arm in a figure 8 pattern. And soon, I fell asleep in a field of daisies with Sam, happy.

I woke up to see Sam holding me while looking up at the clouds. I looked up to him and smiled as I rubbed my eyes.

"How did you sleep?" He asked with a smile as he place a rebellious curl behind my ear. I smiled back.

"Great," I said. Wait. I slept. I slept without a nightmare.

"Sam, I didn't have the nightmare," I said as I sat up fast. He sat up and hugged me from behind, resting his chin in my shoulder.

"I know. You would start I have it but I would kiss you on the forehead then you stopped," he said softly. I smiled and leaned back.

"Wait what about Dean and Belle? They are probably worried sick," I said with no emotion. I was content like this. Just being with Sam.

"Yea he called me, and have told him we were on a date," Sam said quickly in a worried tone. I tilted my head to look up at him with a smile.

"Chill," I said before placing a kiss on his soft lips.

"It's okay they can know," I said before sitting back straight again.

"Come on we better get back," I whispered as I fixed my loose curly blonde hair. Sam looked sad but he didn't argue. We packet everything up and got in the car before riding off back to the hotel. As we rode we spoke even more about the date and ourselves and by the time we got back, I felt as though I knew every single thing about Sam and like he knew everything about me. As we entered, Dean and Belle we sitting on the couch watching tv.

"Ai! They two love birds are back!" Dean said enthusiastically before I punched him hard in the shoulder. He laughed but I knew he was in pain.

"How was it?" Belle asked me as she stood up and walk towards us.

"It was amazing," I simply said as I blushed and looked down at my brand new shoes. Belle smiled before dragging Sam outside with her. I walked to the window and watched as they spoke. What Belle didn't know about me was that I was an expert at reading lips. The conversation went something like this:

'So where did you take her?' Asked Belle as she folded her arms.

'To a daisy field about an hours drive away,' he said as he kept looking at Belle who grinded her perfectly white and straight teeth.

'One thing,' she said as she walked closer to Sam.

'If you hurt my baby sister I will fucking murder you and make it look like a bloody accident, got it?' She said looking so serious it scared the shit out of me and Sam too. He nodded as he clenched his jaw as they made their was inside. I jumped on the couch and pretended I was watching tv with Dean.

"Hey what was that about?" I asked pretending not to know.

"Oh nothing," Belle simply said as she sat on the couch. Sam soon followed and all of us were sitting there, watching some stupid reality TV show.

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