Chapter 13

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A few days have gone by now and we have no jobs to do. I went on a couple more dates with Sam and I'm pretty sure Belle and Dean have a thing for each other. Ever since I found out I didn't have the nightmare when Sam was with me, I started sleeping on his chest every night. Plus it was comfortable and I liked him so much. It was one particular night though when I woke up unexpectedly. It wasn't because of the nightmare but I felt as though something was watching me. I slowly and sneakily climbed out of Sams bed and stood in the middle of the room looking around. About 3 minutes passed before I figured I've gone insane and was just imagining things. I went to climb back in bed but something happened. I blacked out.

I woke up to a painful feeling in my side. I opened my eyes and blinked to focus. Everything was blurry. I looked down to my right side and saw a piece of glass stabbed into me. I pulled it out and threw it to the ground. My hands were chained together by a thick, rusted silver chain. I tried to yell but I couldn't make a sound. I wriggled a little bit but I was in so much pain. Opposite me there stood a mirror. I stared into it trying to see what I looked like. My hair was loose, knotted and blood stained. I have blood all over my face as well as many cuts. I was wearing a black tank top the Sam bought for me and a pair of white pyjama shorts which now we're coloured red and brown. There was a single light above me which shone dimly. I was in a small room. It had one door which was bolted shut. No enilwindows, no openings except for a bar opening opposite me. I tried to crawl but I looked down at my knees enwhich were skinless. It looked as if I had been fragged in here. I looked at the floor from the door to where I was and saw two thick lines of blood which I assume we're from my knees. Suddenly I heard footsteps and I pushed myself against the concrete wall. The door opened and an old woman stood there. She walked over to me and touched my face. I jerked my head back but she held my face between her hands. She was stitched up. One eye was blue, the other brown. She looked as if she was patch work. I immediately knew what she was. She was like Doctor Benton. The man who would take body parts and organs from people so that he could live forever. Suddenly she turned her stare to my long blonde hair. She let go in me, picked up a brick and it me across the head causing me to black out. As I woke up, I held my hand to my forehead as it throbbed. I looked up in the mirror, trying to focus but yet again everything was a little blurry. I squinted towards the mirror as I noticed something was wrong. My hair. It was cut to my shoulders. Only then I noticed the woman standing there, sniffing my hair she had cut of. She looked at me and smiled before making her way over to me and sitting in front of me. She pushed my hair in front of me and stared.

"What?" I managed to say in a shy/worried/scared/pissed way. She took out a blood stained dagger from her boot and cut me in the arm. I let out a ear piercing scream and began to sob. She pointed to the hair once again and I finally got it. She wanted me to attach it to her dead black hair. I did so, sobbing as I did and every time I made a mistake or took to long, she would cut me deeply. Once I finished, she stood up and looking in the mirror as she smiled wickedly. I looked to my right and saw a thick iron pole. I can reach that I thought, But I can't get it now, I have to wait till she leaves. But she didn't. She made her way over to me and made me stand up as she pulled what was left of my hair. She undid my chains and leaded me to the door before turning to me. She looked so pissed and her head was so close to mine all I could think was...headbut!!! I threw my head forward, making our foreheads clash in a painful manner. She let go of my hair and I sprinted towards the pole and hit her across the face and then once again on the side, making her fall to the grown. I dropped the pole and ran out the door. It was so painful to run but I didn't care I had to get out of here. I had to. I soon reached a ladder. I climbed even though my legs and arms were bleeding like there was no tomorrow. But I kept going until I opened what I assumed to be aam hole. I got halfway out when something pulled me down. I fell, 2 meters down and hit the cold, wet concrete floor. When I hit the ground, I felt a sharp pain in the back of my head and I blacked out.

I woke up feeling come thing scatter across my body. I was in the same room as before. I didn't move. I didn't have the strength. I just laid there, crying. No one is going to find me. How long have I even been in here? The questions stopped invading my brain when I saw a plate filled with food and a cup filled with water. Suddenly I sat up straight and pulled the plate towards me, shovelling the food in. I didn't care if it was poisoned I was starved. It many consisted of bread and some dried Apple and a glass of water. I finished all of it within the time span of 2 minutes. Wait, why was I given food? Shouldn't I be dead or ripped apart by now? The door flew open and the woman walked towards me. She knelt down and stared at me before speaking.

"You are my slave," she said quietly with a croaky voice. I sat there, scared out of my mind. What the fuck was happening. This never happens. These type of people just kill people without wanting a slave. She pulled me up by my hair and leaded me out the door and into a different room. She planned ahead this time. I had a chain around my legs so that I couldn't run and a chain around my arms so that I couldn't attack her. In the dark room there was a table and different tools she would use to kill her victims. There was another door and I could hear the scared and frightened scream of a man. She tied me to a bench and brought out the man. He wore glasses and had short brown hair. She placed him on the table and strapped him in then turned to me.

"Heart," she simple croaked. I took a deep breathe and shook my head but as I did so she rushed around to me and cut me with her dagger in the thigh.

"Heart!" She yelled as she sat down on a chair and watched me. I liked down at the man who was shaking his head and crying.

"Please, please I'm begging you," He cried but I only mouthed 'im sorry' before placing some gloves on and cutting open his chest with a sharp knife. His screams beamed across the room and echoed everywhere. It was only silence when I removed the heart. I held it. It didn't beat at all. The woman walked over to me and nodded with a smile before taking the heart into another room. She left me in that room. The bloody room that had me and the dead man in it. His chest was completely cut open. I did this. I killed an innocent man. I was a murderer. I put the knife back down and sat on the floor. This was my life now. This is how j was going to live. A slave. A murderer. A monster.

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