Chapter 2

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We stood in silence for a while before Sam spoke again with his gentle voice.
"We haven't met another hunter in a long tim, we didn't know there were any out here, in these parts," he stuttered. It was kind of cute. Dean was looking pissed as anything.
"Yea I'm doing work here," I said.
"You work for someone?" Dean asked.
"No, for myself, to help others. I didn't know there were anymore hunters," I said in a soft voice. I didn't want these two creeps to know anything about me. Dean walked towards me and stared me dead in the face.
"Listen here, sweetie, we are hunters and we don't need you getting in our way you got that? So piss off home and bake some cookies or something," he spat out. My face didn't change expression.
"Well, shit head, I'm pretty I'm the one that saved you and your brother lives so don't give me that bullcrap attitude okay? Now if you're here to tell me that, get out and don't ever come near me again, oh, and don't you dare tell me to cook alright? Now piss off," I replied in a angry voice. Sam stepped between us and pushed Dean away.
"Listen, we've had experience with facing demons and monsters by ourselves and it's pretty tough. So, we were thinking-" Sam started before Dean interrupted.
"HE was thinking," Dean yelled.
"That maybe, you wanted to team up with us?" Sam asked. I stepped back and took a seat in the wooden table.
"What makes you think I don't have experience? I've been hunting since I was 6. I'm pretty sure I'm okay," I replied in a rude voice. I didn't have the best temper. I always got upset extremely quickly. Sams eyebrows raised.
"6?" Sam asked as he looked over at Dean who's eyebrows too, were raised in amazement.
"How the hell did you start hunting when you were 6?" Sam asked.
"Why's it matter if we aren't going to team up," I asked, folding my pale arms across my chest.
"Okay but maybe, just maybe, we could help each other and end this monster, demon thing. What do you say? We have a car and weapons and we get research well from our friend and we could help each other," Sam said. He was a difficult guy to say no to. I closed my eyes and tilted my head toward the ceiling as I let out a sigh. My messy blonde curls tickled my back as I did this. Why shouldn't I join them? Sam has a good point, we could be great as a team. But I've worked solo for years, but even so, I've been lonely. At least now I could have someone to talk to.
I thought about this for a few minutes when finally I said,
"Okay." I opened my blue eyes and looked at them both, Sam was smiling whilst Dean buried his head in my bed.
"Great!" Sam said with a smile, his straight white teeth showing.
"So what now?" I asked as I unfolded my arms. Sam took a seat on the edge of the bed.
"Well, we were thinking of going to Kansas. There are a lot of supernatural stuff going on there, so yea," Dean said as he lifted his head from the bed. His blonde gelled hair stuck in funny directions.
"Kansas? I've never been to Kansas," I admitted. The offer sounded interesting and I was thinking of taking it.
"We were born there," Sam said with a smile but I could tell there was something tragic behind it.
"Sure, I guess I mean it could be fun," I said with a smile.
"Wow you can smile?" Dean teased.
"Ha ha very funny shorty," I mocked. I could tell, we were going to have a lot of arguments in the future.
"Well we were planning on leaving tonight. Is that cool with you?" Sam asked as he raised in eyebrow. His eyes were mahogany brown and had Long dark eye lashes.
"Sure, that's cool with me. I just have to get all my stuff," I said. "Shouldn't take long," I continued. Dean stood up and walked to the door.
"Sammy and sweetheart, I'm getting food, who wants and I'll be back in 10, you better be done by then," he said. I stared at him as I bit the inside of my cheek, forcing myself not to argue with him. Sam looked over to me.
"Are you hungry?" He asked. I nodded with a smile. At least one of these two was nice.
"Burgers?" Dean asked.
"Burgers," Sam replied. I laughed a little then finally said,
"Maybe burgers will be our always." I sat there laughing while Dean and Sam stared at me.
"What, that was funny," I said still laughing a little.
"You really haven't been around people much have you," Dean said as he exited the room.
"FRIES TOO," Sam yelled. What Dean said did hurt a little bit. I never had anyone.
After 5 minutes I had packed everything. Sam was outside waiting next to Dean's car and I was just fixing up everything before I left the room. As soon as I came outside, I saw Dean's car. It was a beautiful 67 Chevy Impala in sleek black. The beauty was overwhelming. Sam was leaning against the car with his arms folded, you could see the muscles wen he did this and his black shirts sleeves grew tight.
"That was quick, is that all your stuff?" Sam asked with slight confusion.
"I travel light," I said. I lied straight through my teeth. I didn't have money for things. My closet consisted of 2 shirts, 1 pants, 1 pair of boots and a jacket.
"Where do I put this?" I asked as I lifted the duffel bag. Sam stood up right and opened the back seat door.
"Just in the seat should be fine," he said. I placed the bag on the furthest seat from me and as I stood up straight, I saw Dean making his way over with a brown bag and 3 drinks.
"Wow," I mumbled. I haven't eaten anything proper in weeks. All I have is coffee which the hotel guy gives for free. Sam looked over to me and said,
"Oh, just...the car is amazing," I lied. But I think it was a little to obvious because Sam was staring at me with curiosity floating around in his eyes.
"I have food, everyone get in we're leaving now," Dean said. He was very persistent and stubborn. I climbed in the back seat and was handed a warm burger wrapped in tin foil and also a large drink.
"I didn't know what you liked so I got you coke, everybody loves coke," Dean said with a mouth full of burger.
"No it's fine, honestly," I admitted as I stared at the food. Ever since I finished school I haven't had a proper meal. I unwrapped it and started eating. The delicious taste of cheese, juicy patty, ripe tomatoes and crunchy bacon all swirled around in my mouth and it was blissful.
The whole care ride we didn't talk. I finished my food in the first 5 minutes or the ride and every now and again I would take a sip of my coke (didn't wanna take piss breaks). Just as I layer my head down to close my eyes, Dean put the radio on. Loud.
"What the hell are you doing??" I yelled over the roaring music.
"It's Queen, you can never go wrong with Queen," Dean yelled back as he began to sing Bohemian Rhapsody. I looks at Sam with an eyebrow raised and he looked back at me with a yea-he_is_weird face. I took a deep breathe and put my head down on my duffel bag next to me. Sleep was trying to take over me but I wouldn't let it. I didn't want..the nightmares...they are to painful. I tried keeping my eyes open but soon sleep won the never needing battle and I slowly fell asleep as Sam, Dean and I rode down to Kansas.

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