Chapter 25

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Sams P.O.V

It had been 3 days since Dean told me himself and Belle were going away and he hasn't replied to any of my messages. Alex was still screaming her lungs out and I didn't know what to do. I spent the days locked in my room on my bed just laying there. I couldn't leave her but I couldn't stay and listen to my girlfriend scream in pain and I couldn't do anything about it. But when I was laying on my bed, suddenly there was silence. I practically flew upstairs as I yelled Bobby's name and burst open the wooden door that separated me and Alex. There she was, asleep. I ran to her bed to check on her but she was relaxed and asleep as Bobby ran up to the room.

"What!?" He asked with a yell but I placed my finger to my lips.

"Sh," I said softly and he took silent steps next to me.

"Is she asleep?" He whispered and I nodded. I let out a relieved sigh and smiled. She's okay. My baby's okay. Bobby turned to me and hugged me tightly before leaving the room with a smile across his face. I sat on the arm chair next to her bed and there I fell asleep with her hand between mine.

The next morning, I opened my sleepy eyes and looked at the bed where Alex laid on her side. Her hair was messy and moved as she breathed in and out. I sat up, yawned and kissed her hand.

"Morning sweetheart," he whispered as she took a deep breathe and opened her eyes. I widened mine and a humongous smile was spread across my face. Her gorgeous blue eyes were finally staring at me. She smiled and tried to sit up but I looked like her muscles were tense.

"Easy, easy," I said as I sat on the bed and fixed her hair.

"Sam I missed you so much," she whispered as she slowly moved to a sitting position.

"Hey, you've had a rough few days, I'll explain everything later, you get some rest, take a shower, eat and then come down stairs or text me when you feel better," I whispered as I kissed her passionately.

"But-I-don't-have-a-phone," she tried saying between kisses as I laughed. I kissed her on the forehead and then the nose then the lips and smiled.

"Soon," I said as I got up and walked out the room. I ran downstairs to get her some food and went back up to give it to her. As I came back downstairs, the door opened and there stood Dean and Belle. I hugged Dean and then Belle and honestly this was the most amazing start of the day ever.

Alex's P.O.V

Sam left the room and left me with a plate with 5 pizza slices on it, he knew me so well. I devoured 3 within 2 minutes then got up and stretched after pulling out the various tubes and needles lodged into my skin. I'd been in that bed for way too long. I slowly walked to the shower, getting use to my legs and took a nice warm shower before wrapping myself in a towel and moving to my and Sams room. I took a book out from my duffel bag, grabbed one of my pens and began to write. I started a hunting book since I started hunting and now, I filled in what had just happened to me. While I was in this coma like state, I could hear everything going on around me. I could feel everything like when Bobby placed a needle into my skin or Sam kissing my forehead but also, I was in a living hell. I wrote everything down including how it felt being in that hell like place. I was tortured by who knows what and it just continued over and over again and that was the pain I felt after I woke up. When I was done, I closed the book, placed it away and got dressed into my oversized black tank top, my light washed jeans and a pair of warm socks. I finished off the pizza and walked downstairs as I heard someone running up the stairs. And there I saw Belle, with tears streaming down her face. She ran up and hugged me so tight I nearly fell flat on my ass. She was crying hysterically and I combed her long hair with my nails as she wept into my shoulder.

"I thought I was going to lose you," she mumbled through her tears but I pulled away and looked into her puffy eyes.

"You'll never lose me, I'm just too annoying to be replaced or lost," I replied as she laughed and hugged me again before we both walked down stairs to meet Sam and Dean sitting in the living room. Sam ran up and hugged me so tight he lifted me off the floor. He then placed me back down and kissed me. Shit I missed this.

"Ahem someone hasn't said hello yet," Dean said as Sam laughed and let Dean walk past him to give me a big hug.

"Welcome back princess," he whispered and I could tell he was smiling.

"Call me that again and I'll tell you how you lost Sammy in the supermarket," I whispered so softly only he cold hear. His muscles grew stiff and he left go and was about to ask me how I knew that but I stopped him.

"I'm hungry, is there food?" I asked as Sam laughed. Belle walked with me to the kitchen and chucked me a full box of Froot Loops cereal, my favourite. I brushed my short blonde hair back and started eating as I sat up in the counter and looked out the window.

"Where's your car?" I said with a mouth full of cereal. Belle suddenly went silent.

", fixed? Yes fixed a tire um, burst yesterday and um, Dean helped me take it in to get fixed," she lied. I could tell seeing as she was the worlds worst lier. I raised and eyebrow, swallowed my cereal and stared at her.

"Okay, a, a burst tire can be fixed in 10 minutes and b, tell me what really happened," I said but she stayed quiet. I jumped off the counter slowly seeing as my ribs were so sore from being tortured and walked towards her.

"Tell me," I demanded as she bit her lower lip and looked down at her shoes.

"Belle I am your bloody sister, where is your fucking car?" I asked louder this time.

"Okay okay! Stop! It's in a dump!" She replied in a whisper/yell.

"Why?" I asked curiously. But she didn't say anything.

"Belle!" I yelled and she finally spilt everything. She told me how she was in a car crash and how she went to the hospital, how the doctor tried to kill her and how herself and Dean stayed away from the house for a couple days. I punched her straight in the shoulder and she held it while crying in pain.

"Oh bitch what the fuck!?" She yelled as she held her shoulder tightly.

"That's for getting into a damn car crash!" I yelled back. At that moment Dean and Sam burst into the kitchen and looked at both of us. Dean widened his eyes and looked at Belle.

"I'm sorry Dean, she can be so ducking scary," Belle whispered as she walked to Dean who gave her a hug and kissed her shoulder. Sam turned to Dean with a pissed look on his face.

"Car crash?!" He yelled and Dean looked down at the floor. They both explained everything to me and Sam who was still pissed and got even more as the story progressed.

"No Dean, that's it," he said as he stood up.

"Sorry can you excuse me and Dean for a moment?" Sam asked me and Belle. She nodded and we both walked out to the kitchen to get a beer and more food.

"Dean we can't deal with this shit anymore! We have to-" Sam began when he stopped and moved to a room we couldn't hear them. My heart started beating faster and faster and I knew what they were talking about. Sam and Dean Winchester want to leave me and my sister.

Beauty of HellTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon