Chapter 11

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It was now day break. Sam and Dean were sitting by themselves in a corner and Belle and I were in a different corner. We got to know each other a lot. I hated her less now. But to tell you the truth I never hated her. Me and Sam tried to keep our weird, thing, whatever it was secret so we didn't talk a lot. What was me and him? Friends? A couple? Complicated? I wanted to ask but I was afraid I wanted more out of this than he did. The sun rose and we heard a loud alarm go off. We rushed out of the room we were in and made our way to our assigned rooms. As we entered, our roommates Annie and Sophie Lee were still sleeping. Sophie slept with this weird teeth brace thing and Anni had an eye mask to keep out the light. We at on out bed and waited before the arose and yawned.

"Hey guys you're up early," Sophie Lee said in her voice which sounded as though she had swallowed a thousand nails. Belle and I fake laughed but tried to be as polite as we could. Today in the school was a day off.
Considering it was Saturday no one had class and we could do as we please. Belle and up got up to get changed when she walked towards me.

"Are those my pants?" She asked looking down at the blue stripped pyjama shorts. I looked innocent and stared into her pretty brown eyes.

"Maybe," I said with a little laugh. She laughed too.

"It's fine, we're sisters after all yea? You can wear my clothes, considering..." She started saying but stopped when I gave her a death stare. I told her everything including me not having money. But I didn't want to borrow clothes. I hated borrowing things. Things were either mine or not I only borrowed her shorts cause I figured if I didn't I would die of heat exhaustion. I put on my grey tank and the rest of my clothes before heading out with Belle to find Sam and Dean.

"What are we going to do about this, worm thing?" I asked as we reached the boys. They were holding coffees. Sam passed me one and Dean passed one I Belle.

"Well we have to find out who is controlling it," Dean said.

"Security tapes?" I suggested as I took a large gulp of hot coffee. Sam nodded.

"That would work," he said. We walked back to Belles and my room with the guys and did some research. The girls were out for the day, they were "going on a road trip to meet hotties" as they put it. Sam got out his laptop and sat next To me in my bed as he tried to hack into the security camera footage. I sat cross-legged and sipped my coffee every now and again to delight in the delicious taste of coco beans.

"Hey here," Belle said as she chucked me a nail polish bottle. It was a dark navy blue colour that was gorgeous. She threw another one which was gold.

"Sam will probably take a while so paint your nails they look shit," she said. Sophie Lee had a while draw full of nail polish and I'm sure you wouldn't even notice if I used some. So while Sam was busy, I painted them blue with a little strip of gold across the top. After they dried, Sam had finally cracked the code.

"Here, these are all the hallways, we have to look through each one. There are 29 in total.." He said as he sighed loudly.

"Let's start," Belle said.

"No, you guys can start I'm getting food," Dean said.

"Come on Belle leave the nerds to do their research, we will be back with food and drink in 20 minutes, call if you need us," Dean said as himself and my sister made their way out the door. As Belle turned to close the door, I saw her wink at me. On crap. Did she know? I didn't say anything to her about me or him. How the hell did she know? I shook off the curiosity and watched the footage with Sam. We spoke a lot while we watched them. And I found out a lot about him.

"So, you had demon blood in you?" I asked keeping my eyes fixed on the tape as it ran through the different hallways.

"Yea, yellow eyed demon. But Dean killed him," Sam told me, he was also watching the tape.

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