Chapter 26

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Belle and I sat in the kitchen waiting for the boys to come back. Time seemed to go by slower than usual and I tapped my fingernails impatiently on the wooden table where I was sitting.

"Calm down," Belle said as she drank down a whole bottle of beer which was her 7th one and it's only 11 in the morning. Obviously she was drunk. I suppose she was scared, just like me, that our boys didn't want us anymore. I looked out the window and the birds flying past and the trees dancing in the wind while thinking what me and my sister would do if they did choose to leave us. Finally they came back. I heard their footsteps heading towards he kitchen and I stood up and waited for what they were about to say, but they went upstairs instead. They didn't even look at me. I sat back down and began to tap my foot on the floor and my nails on the table as I did before. An hour went by and they didn't say a word to us, all that happened was they went back downstairs and drive somewhere. Belle and I didn't know what to do, and she seemed to be having a great time considering she was drunk. So what they hell, I got drunk too.

I woke up in a queen size bed with soft white sheets and white pillows. The room was pretty huge. There were 2 large connected doors leading to a balcony in the bedroom I was in. I front of the bed was a tv and a large bookcase of movies under it. I sat up slowly and drank the warm coffee and pull that sat next to the white bed trying to stop my head from throbbing. When it did, the reason why I got drunk came back to me.

"Sam," I whispered as I stood up, got changed out of my previous clothes to a pair of high waisted jean shorts, a black hoodie and a pair of grey socks. I combed my hair with my fingers, grabbed my pistol with a silencer and left the room. The room I was in was at the end of a very long hallway. I opened all the doors that were in the hallways but they were all empty. I walked down the spiral wooden staircase with my gun in my hand and saw a massive living room and a huge kitchen. To the left was the living room which had a fire place. Empty. To the right there was a kitchen. Again, empty. Where the hell was I? I heard something from behind me and quickly turned to face the thing with my gun. It was Sam. I didn't lower my gun but he walked towards me.

"Baby, It's me put the gun down," he said as he edged towards me with his hands gesturing for me to stop and his eyebrow raised but I didn't listen. E was either a shifter of the real Sam, and if he was the real Sam, I was still going to shoot him for making me thing he was going to leave me.

"Alex, babe put the gun down," he said again but I didn't listen. But then I heard Belles voice.

"Alex put the gun down," she said. I turned to face her but kept my gun facing Sam.

"Where are we and what the hell is going on," I asked Belle in a demanding voice.

"Put the gun down and I'll explain-" Belle began but I cut her off.

"Tell me! NOW!" I yelled in a frightening voice.

"We are living here now, Bobby gave us this house to borrow because Sam and Dean want us safe, they didn't want to leave us, they never wanted to," Belle assured me but I didn't move.

"Come here," I said as she came towards me slowly. When she was in front of me, I quickly took my dagger out and placed it on her skin gently, not making her bleed. She laugh silently before looking up at me.

"I'm not a fucking shifter, princess," she said as I put my dagger away.

"Are they?" I asked pointing my guy to Sam and Dean who was now standing next to him.

"I already tested, they aren't," she said as I finally out my gun down. I grabbed my bag and put in some shoes before walking out the door.

"Where are you going!" Belle yelled but someone stopped her.

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