Chapter 24

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No, no no no no she can't be here. This could not have happened. I opened the door but the nurse ordered me out but I couldn't hear anything except my heart beating. Is told next to her bed and wanted to hug her. But I was so afraid she would break in two.

"I'm here Belle, Belle please I'm here please talk to me, look at me!" I yelled but security burst into the room and dragged me out.

"No!" I yelled as I struggled to break free and it worked a couple times but they kept holding me back.

"Fuck off she is my girlfriend!" I screamed over and over again but they dragged me out of the room.

"Get out or be quiet! No one is seeing her until she is more stable!" One of the security guards yelled as he let go of my arm and walked off. I walked backwards till my back hit the White wall and I slowly fell down to the floor. This wasn't happening. First, someone who u want to know better and someone so close to my brother is dying in pain and second, my girlfriend is in the hospital in life support. Sam. I needed to tell Sam. Or Bobby. But I knew I couldn't. They already had Alex to worry about. I had to look after her. I picked up the phone and called Sam.

"Hey Dean," Sam mumbled. I could hear he had been crying. I took a deep breathe and prepared to lie to my little brother.

"Hey Sammy, me and Belle are gonna go away for a...a little while we will be back soon I promise, take care of..." I said but stopped before I could say Alex.

"Bye Sammy I'll keep in touch," I said before hanging up the phone and banging my head in the wall I was leaned up against. I stared at the door so hard I swear laser vision was about to happen. I closed my eyes and prayed that Belle would be okay. I walked over to the front desk and wiped my tears away.

"Excuse me," I said politely and the 20 something year old girl turned to look at me. She puckered her lips and winked at me but she could fuck a tree for all I cared.

"My girlfriend, she is in room 17, when can she get visitors?" I asked. The girl didn't give up she kept trying to be seductive. The bitch.

"When she is in a stable condition," she said in her high pitch disgusting voice. I turned around not even looking at her.

"Who is her doctor?" I asked looking around at all the doctors in front of me. The girl pointed her long fingernails towards a doctor. He was slender and had brown hair which almost covered his left eye. He had hazel brown eyes that seemed like they could stare into your soul.

"Excuse me, Doctor...Copper," I read from his name tag.

"Yes?" He asked in a deep voice as he raised an eyebrow.

"My girlfriend is a patient of yours, she is in room 17, when can she receive visitors?" I asked impatiently. He checked the clipboard in his hand, lifting papers now and again as I tapped my foot impatiently. Finally he spoke.

"When she is in a more stable condition-" he began but I interrupted.

"But, when," I asked, louder and more threatening than I intended.

"About 2-3 weeks," he said. He had no emotions in his voice and his eyes were empty. He had no sympathy. I placed my hands on my head and started pacing.

"Listen, she will be fine," he said as I stopped. I wanted to argue but nothing came out. All I could think about was Belle. He walked off and I sat down in the waiting area. Not many people were here. I waited and waited, tapping my foot impatiently as time ticked on. A second felt like a minute. Tapping my foot and biting my nails, I couldn't wait any longer but I couldn't do anything. Not a thing.

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