Chapter 21

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I made my way upstairs following Bobby to the room Alex was in. Even though this was a sad time, I was smiling like an idiot. Kissing Belle? Best thing I've ever done. Once I entered the room, my smile disappeared. Alex was lying in the dimly lit room with Sam sleeping on a chair next to her, holding her hand. I walked to my brother and saw a tube coming out of his arm and it going into Alex's arm. I put a hand in his shoulder and he jumped awake and Bobby took out the tube before handed sam a beer as he got up. I sat down on the chair and waited.

"No I can still go longer," Sam said with his voice slightly slurring. He stumbled a little before Bobby helped him stand straight.

"Sammy you go downstairs and get some food okay? And you get some sleep okay Sammy?" I asked in a sympathetic voice. Sam didn't argue he looked tired as hell. I knew how special she was to him. Bobby placed the wire into my skin and left me sitting in the chair looking at Alex. It was around 2pm and outside it was dreary and raining. I looked at Alex before sighing. I can't believe I'm gonna do this I thought before speaking.

"I know you're still alive," I simply said.

"So can you please, please not die," I begged. I placed my hands in a praying positing and placed my hands against my mouth.

"Listen I know we haven't really gotten to know each other and I regret that, but, I'd like us to be friends. So I'm
Gonna tell you a little about me," I said. This was so idiotic but I couldn't care less. If she was a huge part of Sams life and of Belles life, then I wanted her to be apart of mine.

"When I was little, I went shooting and I accidentally hit my father in the leg with a crossbow," I said with a laugh.

"And my dad he didn't find it that funny, he never really found anything funny," I said with a small smile. The night continued like this and I had never told anyone any of these stories except for Belle when we went out on our date. I stopped when Belle entered. She wore her pyjama black shorts and an shirt with a little fox on it. Bobby came in and took the tube out of me and put it into Belle. I could tell she had been crying. Her eyes were puffy and you could see the lines from where her tears fell down her beautiful freckle infested cheeks as I got up she was about to sit down but I wrapped my arms around her shoulders and hugged her. Bobby left the room and I honestly didn't want to let go. I could hear her soft sobs as I let go and placed my hands around her neck. She was crying so much. I word her tears away with my thumbs and gave her a kiss on the tip nose. She laughed a little and stopped crying.

"You're sister? She's going to be okay. I promise you she will be okay," I said as I pulled her into a hug once again.

"I promise," I whispered. We pulled away and Belle sat down.

"There's some food in that cupboard," I said as I pointed to the cupboard next to her. She nodded and turned back to her sister. I closed the door as I went out the room and I wet out to find my brother Sam.

After a whole of searching, I found him sitting on the roof. It was around 6 now and the sun had just gone down. Sam was throwing rocks off the roof like he always did when he was sad, upset of scared. I sat next to him and didn't say anything.

"Do you think she's gonna live?" Sammy asked me not looking at me. I could hear in his voice a had been crying.

"Yes," I said straight away.

"Sammy there is no maybe, she will live, she will come back and she will continue to amaze us. Alright?" I said looking at him in the eyes.

"We just had to have faith Sam," I whispered as Sam sniffed and looked up at the trees in the distance. Sam nodded and passed me a stone. I threw it just like he was doing, and we did this until Belle came out looking for us.

Sams P.O.V

Belle came up onto the roof with 3 beer bottles and a bag of roast chicken chips. She sat down next to Dean and passed us each a beer.

"We have to catch this son of a bitch that infected my sister," she said as she took a sip of her beer. Her long wavy hair was messy and her eyes were puffy from crying.

"Who do you think did it?" Dean asked as he shoved chips into his mouth.

"Someone wants to kill her and I don't know who," Belle replied. Straight away I thought of the letter Alex's parents left for her and how it said they didn't know about her. What if they did?

"Your parents left her a letter," I said looking at Belle. She stopped and stared at me.

"What?" She simply said.

"In the letter it said, that 'they' didn't know about her and that's why they left Alex," I said.

"Who is they?" Belle asked straight away.

"I don't know," I simply said.

"Sam who is they!?" She yelled as she threw a stone at me.

"I don't know!" I yelled back before Dean stopped us.

"Stop yelling! We aren't going to save her by doing this! Alright? So shut the hell up! Both of you!" He yelled. Belle relaxed and so did I.

"Okay so this infection is passed through saliva," Dean said before Belle pounced on me and started punching me.

"You bastard! You're the only one that kisses her! You did this! You did this you bastard!" She yelled but I grabbed her hands and Dean pulled her off me and placed her on his lap.

"Sweetheart calm down!" Dean said as he held her wrists with one hand and her waist with the other.

"He did this!" She yelled as tears streamed down her face as she struggled to break free.

"No I didn't! I would want to harm her! I love her okay!? And this infection effects the person within 24 hours after the saliva is into her system! I'm pretty damn fucking sure last week when I kissed her she didn't go into this coma thing!" I yelled. I just have sounded extremely damn scary because both Dean and Belle were looking at me like I had just turned into a demon. I backed off and covered my face with my hands.

"I'm sorry," I whispered. Dean put belle down and came over to me and gave me a hug. I didn't cry cause I didn't have anymore tears left but I just sat there hugging my big brother for comfort. Belle came next to me and gave me a hug.

"I'm sorry Sam, I'm so sorry," she whispered as she cried. We sat there for a while before I thought of something. I pulled away from her hug and stood up.

"A day before this happened some guy kissed her," I said as Belle raised an eyebrow.

"You let someone else kiss my baby sister?" Belle asked as she stood up too but Dean grabbed her arm to stop her from attacking me.

"No, once she saw she had a letter from her parents, she got drunk and started dancing and guys were everywhere but I was asleep but then I got woken up and went into the bar and some skinny blonde little shit was kissing her," I said. It was him.

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