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Hyunjin lightly knocked on the modern wooden door, awaiting a response. Never had he thought he would be made to visit the counselor. Yet, here he was, waiting for Mr. Bang to open the door.

After a few seconds, the door opened gingerly and Hyunjin looked around. The office had a pleasant aura, the two cacti on the table complementing the vibe. A few aesthetic paintings were hung behind the desk in a pattern. The room was painted a shade of soft sky blue with a whitewashed ceiling and white marble tiles.

Mr. Bang himself was a perfect match to the background. With his blue jeans and pastel pink sweatshirt, he looked quite sweet. His blonde hair was clearly styled, although it had started to fall out of its place. He wore a big smile on his small face, hidden dimples showing.

"Hyunjin! Come in, dear! Have a seat!", Mr. Bang greeted in a motherly and soothing tone. Hyunjin nodded softly and proceeded to take a seat in front of the desk. "Anything to drink? Water? Juice?", Mr. Bang asked kindly. " No, that's alright, I'm fine", answered Hyunjin, awkwardness lacing his words.

"So, I assume you know why you're here?", asked Mr. Bang.

"It's because of me performance, isn't it?"

"Correct. I'm here, as the principal said, to knock some sense into you. The teachers recently have noticed your downgrading academic performance, and I'm sure you have too. Even your sports performance has vastly taken a toll. So I'm here to help you and I want you to be completely honest with me. Don't worry, I won't judge you", Mr. Bang explained.

Hyunjin looked at the counselor, searching his face, and he did find what he was looking for. Genuineness. Sincerity. And care. And he decided, after a mini internal battle, that Mr. Bang could be trusted.

And he started talking. He told Mr. Bang every little detail, how Seungmin used to motivate him to study, but the younger no longer did. How he used to be there for every soccer match, not even missing one. How dance lectures have seemed harder without him. He told Mr. Bang about liking Felix, confessing and getting rejected. He also talked about his argument with Seungmin and the younger's sudden confession.

" Hyunjin... ", Mr. Bang began, " I think you and Seungmin are both suffering due to this petty argument of yours. Try to understand his feelings too, Hyunjin. He has been longing for you for a long time. Don't push him away. Sort things out. "

Hyunjin stayed silent.

"I'll tell you some of my experience. Me and my partner have small arguments from time to time. But every time, both of us try to solve the matter as soon as possible. We try to look at it from each others perspective. But the most important thing is communicating. Expressing your thoughts. Knowing what the other feels. These factors are highly important to maintain good relations with anyone. So now, I want you to go and apologize to him right now. Believe me, it'll be worth it. "

And Hyunjin ran out the office, searching for the younger.

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