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"Hello?", came Felix' deep voice through the phone. Hyunjin had just called him. Why? To get advice. For what? His confused heart.

"Hello Felix? Can we please meet up?", Hyunjin said nervously.

Felix audibly sighed on the line, "Hyunjin, I appreciate your feelings, really. But I already told you, I have a boyfriend. And although you're really nice, I don't think I'll ever be able to see you in that way."

"Huh? What? No! It's not about that! I just wanna ask for help! Please Felix! I don't know who else can I ask!", Hyunjin begged.

"Alright. But no fishy business, okay? I'll meet you at 5 in the evening at the park tomorrow, alright?"

"Thank you so much Felix!"

"Don't mention it. See you soon, bye!"



The next day couldn't arrive any later. It had been several days since the "date". And Hyunjin had completely sorted out his thoughts and inner arguements.

He had finally gathered courage and admitted to himself — He had feelings for Seungmin. The bonus? He knew Seungmin requited these feelings. The hard part? Confessing. He had no idea what was to be done. He had confessed once in his life, that is, to Felix.

So why not ask for some advice? Hence, the meet up with Felix. Hyunjin arrived at the park before Felix. When the latter came, a quick and slightly awkward greeting was exchanged. Soon, the two if them were strolling across the green lawn while talking.

"So the thing is", Hyunjin started nervously, "I started liking Seungmin", he finished in a small voice.

"Wait really? That's great! From what I have seen, I think he likes you back!", Felix said in a genuinely cheery tone.

"Actually, he had confessed, but we were in the middle of an argument so I don't think that counts. But now, I wanna ask him out but I have zero knowledge on how to ask people out. So, kind sir, please be ever-so-kind and help out a poor soul like me.", Hyunjin said, changing his tone to a jokingly formal one at the end.

Felix cracked up a smile and said, "There's nothing for you to be nervous about because you know he likes you back. Just be brave and say it. He won't reject you, obviously. Just find the right timing and say it."

"More than being nervous, I want it to be special and cheesy. That's because he is very dear to me and I know that he likes cheesy stuff.", replied Hyunjin, recalling the likings of the younger.

Felix thought for a few seconds and then said, "If you want it to be special, how about this..... "

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