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Seungmin was sitting peacefully on the hill that held hundreds of precious memories of him and Hyunjin. The soft breeze flew through the air, gingerly brushing back his hair. He had dyed them a blondish colour recently.

No matter what happened, his thoughts always trailed to his former best friend and current crush. Why wasn't it easy to get over him? Seungmin's mind wanted to forget Hyunjin, but his heart craved for him.

With a long and sad sigh, Seungmin hoisted himself from the ground, dusting his pants to get rid of any dirt acquired due to sitting on the ground. His back slightly ached as he was resting against an old tree.

He proceeded to descend the hill. He held onto the thick traps of his backpack as his shoulders carried the weight of the heavy books. But Seungmin's heart was heavier at that moment. He reached the bottom and took a turn, heading home. He halted a moment, got out his earphones and started blasting music. Yanghwa BRDG came on shuffle, but Seungmin was quick to fish out his phone and skip the song as it only reminded him after Hyunjin covering it in the coin karaoke.

4 and a half songs later, he reached home and got in, announcing his arrival for his mother to know. Seungmin went up the stairs, skipping every alternate one. He opened the room to his door, turned around and closed it.

But, he then saw the very boy he was trying to forget sleeping on his bed soundly.

Hwang Hyunjin was sleeping on Kim Seungmin's bed. 

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