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Seungmin stayed frozen in the door frame since his gaze landed on Hyunjin, who was sleeping peacefully as feather like tender breaths left his slightly agape mouth. Hyunjin had his knees close to his chest as his arms closed over an object, tear stains faintly visible oh his cheeks. Seungmin squinted his eyes and figured out that it was a frame with a photograph of the two.

Tears flowed out of the younger's eyes. He let them, wordlessly. As much as he tried, the sight of Hyunjin in front of him destroyed all attempts of Seungmin's to stop crying. He sunk to his knees and accepted defeat, letting out small sobs.

The soft crying noises caused Hyunjin's eyes to flutter open. He instantly realised what was going on and rushed beside the younger on the floor, not hesitating before engulfing him in a warm hug. Hyunjin started sobbing a bit himself as the two hugged.

The two had longed for this moment for a long time which seemed endless. Not saying anything and just savouring the moment, the two disturbed teens hugged tighter. Finally reunited, Hyunjin and Seungmin felt a euphoric feeling filling the room as the tears still flowed.

Hyunjin was the first to pull away, not letting go of the younger's hand though. "Seungmin..... I-I'm s-s-sorry.... *sob sob* please..... Don't l-leave me-e", Hyunjin stammered. "N-no... I'm the one that should be s-sorry..... I should have thought of m-my actions... " Seungmin said as his voice cracked.

"No... Now it's in the past..... We should let go of what happened.... ", Hyunjin said, calming down a bit.

"I really missed you, Jinnie", said Seungmin a while later.

The two put on  a movie, Coco, and cuddled together, rejoicing each others presence.

"Minnie?", called out Hyunjin as the credits of the movie started playing. Seungmin hummed as a response.

Hyunjin continued, "Will you go on a date with me?"

just friends || h.hj × k.smDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora