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It's been almost  two weeks since the "date". Seungmin hardly got any sleep over these last few days. The kiss with Hyunjin meddled with his mind more than it should have. Thoughts of the elder's unforgettable lips and the sparks running through his body for those few precious second lingered in Seungmin's mind for long. He let them.

Yet, in the end, how long was he going to think about it and let the thoughts conquer him? Deciding to get some fresh air, Seungmin headed to the park. Upon arriving there, he walked around, looking at the small and fresh plants, ephemeral flowers and dandelions, noticing a few small caterpillars and lady bugs near the vegetation feeding on it. These insignificant things, yet of great importance, brought peace to his chaotic mind palace.

The park was tranquil and quite deserted. A few people were still around. An old lady walking with a cane, a young teen jogging, a college couple having a picnic in the grass, a few housewives chatting under a big tree, Hyunjin and Felix having a serious conversation on the bench, an old man feeding pigeons - wait, what?! Hyunjin and Felix?! Right in front of him?! Having a very serious conversation by the looks of it.

The two were sitting in such a manner that their backs were facing Seungmin. The younger walked towards them, carefully anticipating each step so as to not make a single sound. Soon, he was a few feet away from them and well within earshot. the two were not very loud. In fact, they were talking in hushed voices, but Seungmin had good ears, hence he was able to make out what they were saying.

"So basically, you said he likes cheesy stuff, right? So maybe you can like have the soccer court and dim the lights. Then, when he comes, there would be like a spotlight on you-"

"Wait, where will we get the spotlight?"

"Don't worry, we will arrange it. Back to what I was saying, the spotlight comes on, you make a very cheesy speech and you ask him to be your boyfriend! A few decorations would definitely make things better, maybe a few flowers. What's his favorite flower? You of all people must kno-"


Busted. That was what Seungmin was. Shuffling around to get comfortable was definitely not a good idea, obviously, as it resulted in him stepping on a twig which then emitted a very audible noise. Both the boys turned around, as Seungmin was frozen with wide eyes and a dropped jaw.

A moment of awkward silence passed, two pairs eyes fixed on Seungmin, whereas, Seungmin's gazed at the short grass besieging his feet. "Seungmin?", Felix asked hesitantly, unwilling to break the silence between the three. At this point, the younger looked up and directly into Hyunjin's widened eyes. They were shining brightly, alluring the younger towards him and tempting him to stare longer and explore their depths. But Seungmin refused to after a few seconds.

Reluctantly, he turned his head to look at Felix, his eyes lingering on Hyunjin's just a moment longer before they turned as well. Yet, he did not see Felix. Just an empty spot on the bench where he sat. How long were they staring for Felix to leave them so inconspicuously? Probably a few minutes, Felix obviously left to give them space. But, were they so engrossed in each other, they did not even notice the leave of Felix?

Seungmin's eyebrows furrowed as he searched around, yet not finding him at all. Hyunjin did the same, but both their attempts were fruitless. "D-Do you want to maybe sit down?", asked Hyunjin in a quiet voice that basically melted the younger's heart. It belonged to Hyunjin after all. It, as in, his heart. Seungmin sat down, both of them facing forward and not each other. Questions regarding the earlier conversation between Felix and Hyunjin lingered his mind. Mustering courage, he turned to ask.

"What were you-"

"How are you-"

Both stopped as they noticed they started at the same moment. Yet, both of them turned towards each other, resulting in their faces being a few inches from each other.

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