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Their faces were inches away from each other's. Both their hearts raced at a pace one could only imagine, but neither wanted to pull away. The world disappeared, either lost in the other's eyes. Time stopped, their quickened breathing fanning their faces. Hyunjin leaned in, Seungmin parted his lips simultaneously.

Their lips met and fit together like missing puzzle pieces — perfectly. A few seconds passed, both of the boys pulled apart to admire the other. Seungmin's lips were swollen slightly, his eyes wide and full of happiness, and his ears bright red. How Hyunjin wished to snap a quick pic and save the latter looking so adorable.

Seunngmin licked his lips, tasting a faint cherry flavor — the lip balm he gifted the older! A small smile settled on Seungmin's lips as he thought of Hyunjin using it everyday.

"It has gotten awkward between us, hasn't it?", Hyunjin was the one who broke the silence. Seungmin chuckled fondly and said, "It's awkward only if you make it so." Hyunjin let out a small laugh. At that exact moment, a small object bumped against Hyunjin's leg. The boy looked down to spot a small soccer ball, not one the usual size, one meant for children.

Hyunjin picked it up and looked ahead to see a pair of twins running their way. He smiled slightly after seeing the two identical girls waddling towards them shyly. As the twins reached them, Hyunjin smiled sweetly while greeting them. "Hello there! I belive this is yours", he said, pointing at the ball.

"Yes, it is! I'm Jiwoo!"

"And I'm Jisoo!", the twins said instantly, both having a toothy grin on their face.

"Hello Jiwoo and Jisoo! I'm Hyunjin and this is my friend Seungmin!"

"Eh? It can't be so", said Jisoo and titled her head in confusion while Jiwoo had a very puzzled look on her face.

"What do you mean Jisoo?"

Jiwoo was the one that replied, "We saw you two kissing, that's what our daddy Yuta does to our papa Taeyong! This means that you love each other!" Both Jiwoo and Jisoo smiled brightly. (a/n ngl I ship yutae more than yuwin or jaeyong, ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ )

Seungmin and Hyunjin? Both promptly turned into to tomatoes and widened their eyes. How did these little, innocent souls know so much?

The twins just giggled at their flabbergasted faces and went about kicking their ball. The air was suddenly very awkward, again, and neither knew what to say or do. Hyunjin remembered what Seungmin said about I being awkward only if you make it so, so he decided to initiate a conversation. Well, by conversation, he decided it was time to confess. The twins gave him courage.

"So I hope you still like me, 'cause now, I like you too." He mentally facepalmed for sounding so lame. On the other hand, as lame as it sounded, it still made Seungmin shocked and his eyes widened as he turned to look at the elder. Seungmin was so shocked that he turned to the elder at the speed of light. This caused him to lose balance, even though he was sitting, and jerk forward. Hyunjin welcomed him with open arms and caught him perfectly.

Hyunjin hugged Seungmin and refused to let go, "If you don't hug me back, we're gonna sleep like this." Seungmin's arms slowly circled around the elder and embraced him warmly. Hyunjin pulled back a little to look at the younger. Seungmin had the brightest smile ever, it lit up not just his whole face, but the entire world. At least that's how Hyunjin saw it.

The younger's smile caused Hyunjin to chuckle lightly. "Be my boyfriend", he said, still smiling. Seungmin's smile widened, if that was even possible, and excitedly nodded his head like a puppy. This earned another chuckle from Hyunjin, who then leaned in to kiss the younger.

"I love you, Minnie", said Hyunjin after they parted. "I love you, too, my Jinnie!", replied Seungmin and hugged him tight once more.


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