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Hyunjin ran around the whole day looking for Seungmin. He checked everywhere. Their hill, the cafe they would visit once in a while, the nearby park where they met, even the younger's house. But Seungmin was not to be found anywhere.

He decided to wait at Seungmin's house. The puppy-like boy's mother let him in and Hyunjin went straight to Seungmin's room.

Hyunjin entered the room where he had spent so much of his time, watching movies, cuddling, having sleepovers, and just talking about random stuff. He looked around, taking in his surroundings.

A wave of emotions hit him as he reminisced all the happy and merry memories he shared with the younger. Nevertheless, they remained cherished in both their hearts.

He noticed a frame on Seungmin's desk that he had seen numerous times. It was a really old photo of him with the younger. It was taken at the same park that they met at. The two of them were on top of the slide as Seungmin's mother had taken the photo. Wide smiles were plastered on both their faces as Seungmin's laughter still rang in Hyunjin's ears.

Hyunjin lifted the frame and sat on the bed. He clutched it close to his chest as he lied down on his side with his feet still on the ground, tears threatening to flow down his cheeks but he held them in. Letting out a heavy sigh, Hyunjin felt his eyelids drooping, the exhaustion of searching for the younger eventually kicking in. He hardly noticed his grip on the photo frame loosen slightly as he drifted off to dreamland.

(a/n I wanted to clarify that Hyunjin does search for Seungmin on the hill but not that closely.... So Seungmin was on the hill when Hyunjin was searching for him but Hyunjin did not look hard enough...)

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