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So I recently discovered that I had 23.4 thousand reads and all I can say is wow. I never thought this book would ever get the amount of reads it has now. I started this book as an eleven year old who wanted to make a fanfiction because I saw other people's and thought they were amazing. I posted my first chapter and I was so proud of myself. After I would consistently update chapters I started to fall off. I read my first few chapters and went, holy shit, that's awful. Of course I still think that to this day but that's just because I believe it's absolute shit. Anyways, I fell off and would post like once every three months, but it somehow still kept getting reads. I look back at this book and think of my first thirty chapters as failures (i do think the last two were pretty good which is really sad but anyway). I honestly hate this book, but you guys seemed to love it and for that I am forever grateful. I am grateful for all the reads, all the votes, all the comments, everything. Thank you guys so much. If it weren't for you, this book would be deleted and no one would know about it. 

I also want to give a shout out to  helping me with to write my  last two chapters. And all around being a great friend. If anyone reads this please please go follow them it would mean a lot to me. Their writing is wonderful and they deserve every vote, comment, and follower.

So one last thank you to everybody. This book would be dead without you. I love you guys <3

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