Ms. Moore, Ms. Janny Moore

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    I blinked my eyes opened. Bright lights, noisy kids, ugly boys, dumb people trying to study just by digging into books, and old wooden desks in a set with chairs. Where am I? Oh right, this is my creaky 100-year old school that has survived through a tough storm and is such an amazing school, am I right? I slightly chuckle at my own sarcastic talks and slump back down on my desk. "Guys! Teacher incoming! It's the baldy!" The kids burst into laughter, quickly putting their things back in their backpacks and taking out their social studies textbook. 

    "Right, the baldy. Social studies today." I say to myself, sitting slightly, halfway up and rummaging inside my backpack. Gotcha. I pull out a book with a whole bunch of doggy-ear folded pages. This is my textbook. There was no way I was going to get confused with other kids' textbooks cause, mine's always doggy-ear folded. I focus my attention to the doorway, hoping that if I focus enough, I might be able to get rid of that teacher some day. I shake my head and slump back down, hoping a day would pass like this. Which obviously won't happen. The world won't let it happen. 

    As soon I was getting a slight vision of a dream, I was shook awake by a screaming baldy. "Ms. Moore! Ms. Janny Moore! How many times is it already in this week, Ms. Moore! How many times do I have to tell you not to sleep in class, especially in mine?!" Now he's a red-faced tomato baldy. "Sorry sir. I had to..." I quickly scan my brain, looking for excuses. Knitting? No, too weird. Homework? No, he knows I don't spend much time with homework. Studying for a test? But which test? Then, it struck me. The math test! 

    "I had to study for the math test." I quickly say  pretending to look like I was regretting my sleepiness, which I currently do not. Not one bit. "Ms. Janny Moore! You are sent to the principle's office, right now!" He slams his wooden stick on my table. Oh dear god, where did he get that from? I groan as I got up, slowly walking towards the back door. "And, I know there is no such thing as a math test!" He screams as I quickly close the door, the class bursting into laughter.

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