Getting inside, and telling them

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    I wave my hand. Helen, Lucifer behind her like a tail, ran to me, jumping up and down like a kid. I would say it's idiotic, but hey, what's not to like a friend who is always positive? I smile. Oh, hold on a sec, I'm the idiot. I have a big secret in my heart, ready to explode into hundreds and thousands of pieces. Ha ha. "Janny, Janny, Janny!" Helen says, shaking me. "Huh?" "You look like a person who's about to faint! You okay?" I nod, looking at Lucifer. He slowly nods at me, saying as if, "Yep, pale indeed." I nod to myself again. "Alright, so, we wait... where again?" Lucifer asks, adjusting his glasses. "I'm not sure." I say, taking a deep breath. Helen frowns, and then says, "Over there." 

    She points to an empty space of air. Me and Lucifer frown as we squinted. "Aww... come on, you guys can't even see that?" She says, her finger stuck in place as she jumps up and down. We nod. "Fine, just, follow me." She starts walking fast-paced. I grunt as my I lower my head. My head now focuses on how to tell them, the ultimate secret. Should I even tell them in the first place? I shake my head. My mom always said that friends were a 2nd family, a 2nd group of close people to lean on when you have hard times. Right? I nod to myself. I should tell them. The crisp, cool breeze of the morning hits me, as if warning me, "You heard mom's warning, don't tell it to anyone, unless you trust them." 

    I do trust them, yes I do. "Hey guys! See!" I hear Helen shouting. To my surprise, there are people who were waiting in lines. "How'd you know this?" I ask. She looks at me with a proud grin on her face, saying, "You guys really don't know how good my eyesight is?" "No." "Well, now you do." "Lucky us." I say. "Seriously, what's wrong with you?" Lucifer says, bending down so he could look down from up, up to my face. "Actually, guys, I have a secret..." I say slowly and quietly. "Come on, ya know you could say anything to us!" Helen says as she puts her arm around my shoulders. I nod. "We'll need to go somewhere quiet. I know just the place." "Alright, where is it?" "In the walls." "You've never been in the walls silly!" 

    "Trust me, I know this one." We all wait in line. I look over to see Helen half ready to scream and half ready to explode because of the fact that she's going to hear a secret, my secret. Meanwhile Lucifer, he was nervously fidgeting with his glasses, not that excited nor happy at the fact that he's going to hear a secret. Doubling the anxiety and pressure of going in the walls. "Alright!" A voice screams from far up the line. "When I will call the person's name and family name that they are going to go in! Number one! Janny Moore! Helystia! The Volun family!" Helen looks at me, and then at the people. Lucifer does the same. And then, they both start saying silent good jobs and complimenting me. 

    I smile. "Next! Lucifer Baker! Yerina! The Rofando family!" Helen and I clap for him. "Next! Helen Dwana! Inna! The Walta family!" I smile at her as Helen mouthed, "I can't believe we are the top 3!" Minutes pass like hours, after 40 minutes sitting or standing there, hearing endless names being called, a noise is heard that makes all our hearts stop. The rusty clanks, and chains breaking. The walls, it's opening to welcome the new royals. People push and pull, the three of us being pushed around as a giant glop of 15 year olds enter. I jump up and down My eyes, they are only searching for one. The library. I hold Lucifer and Helen's hand as I push out of the crowd. 

    I open the doors of the library. Once in, thousands and thousands of books greet me, every inch of the library all full. I breath in as I smell the old books. This is so not the time for this. I hurriedly get my way to the J section. My mom's words ring through my ear, "J section's the most quiet." I get Lucifer and Helen to the section as they try not to scream for me to wait. I drag them up. They breath heavily, and whisper, "What?" "Guys, make sure you guys don't get a heart attack. My secret, is this. I am... a royal."

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