Clenched fists

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    I started picking out some books. Turns out, there are a lot of novels. Fake stories. Made up ones. How lovely. In front of a bookshelf, I picked up a random one thick enough, about 5 inched book. 'The Crowned Butterfly'. Hmm.. what an interesting title. "Hey, I like that also." A voice says behind me. I turn to see a boy, dressed up like, well, most royals. Nice jacket, with gold yarns on it, you know the drills. Wait... a golden star? Oh my god... it's... it's a... Helystia. "Um... hi..." "I've never seen you. Are you a royal privileged?" He asks. "Yes." "No need to tense up so much. So, which family are you with?" "The Helystia." "Oh really! This is good! So, you become my... younger sister... I guess..." He says to himself. "I guess." 

    "Well, you want some little spoilers of the book?" "Um.. sure.." "There's a prince in the book, and he gets killed. But then, his little sister starts finding the murderer. Alone. But, here's the good part, it turns out the other countries held hands to kill the prince, failing to kill the king! It's really surprising how other countries held hands. Some of them were enemies." He says, pulling out a chair. "Here. Sit. There's a lot more to the story than what I just said." He exclaims. Wait, I swear, I think I saw Lucifer's angry face over in the corner of my eye.

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