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   Nova walked out of HQ with a giant grin on her face. Not only did the parade go extremely well, but everyone forgave her and now she could truly be herself. The only person she wanted right then and there was Evie, her baby sister. But Nova knew that would never happen. For Evie died just like her parents. That stupid day Ace wanted to kill his family. Nova couldn't forgive Ace no matter what he had said during the battle. Something like that was unforgivable.
   As Nova heard her apartment that she had recently bought, she saw a young girl, crying in an alleyway. Not before thinking about what she should do, Nova went over to the girl. She she got closer she started noticing things about the girl. Her small frame and shiny black bob hair cut. Suddenly, Nova stopped dead. It was Magpie! As much as she disliked the kid, Nova couldn't just walk away from the young, crying, girl. She walked closer and stood beside Maggie. The girl didn't jump, so she must have heard Nova.
"Are you okay?" Nova asked softly. She was trying her best not to sound pitiful. But that was hard.
"Why do you care?" The girl spat. Nova exhaled a long breath and sat next to Maggie. The girl tensed but made no move to get away. "What are you doing?"
"Making sure you're okay. I may not like you very much, but that doesn't mean I'll leave you on the street, crying and cold. I may have been a villain but I'm not a monster that treats kids like crap." Nova told her. She seemed to relax slightly.
"I'm just upset. You can go now because I'm fine." Nova knew better than to believe the lie.
"Everyone's been worried about you. You have showed up and no one has seen you. Even I've been worried." Maggie's shoulders sank.
"I don't want to be a renegade anymore. Now everyone's a superhero. There are no heroes and villains. Just people with powers who are going to get too corrupt. That will happen and everyone knows it."
"I get what you're saying. But think of it this way: when people become corrupt, bad things rise and good people come to make it fall. You could be a hero too." Maggie's hands became fists.
"Enough of this! Why are you talking to me? You hate me!" Nova looked at the ground.
"Maybe I want to start over with you. Yes, that bracelet incident was not a good way to meet. I get you liked it. But if we'd avoided that, then maybe we would be better... friends. Or acquaintances, whatever you want. But I want to get on a better foot with you. And I also want some knowledge from you. I'll give you what I know in return." Maggie seemed deep in thought.
"I'm sorry. I'm sorry I took your bracelet. It was just really pretty. But what do you want to know?"
"How you got your powers. That bullet giving you them makes zero sense." Nova told her. Maggie smirked.
"You really think I'll tell you?" Nova shrugged.
"I'll tell you something in return." Maggie glared at Nova for a second before sighing.
"I'll tell you. But never tell anyone what you hear. It isn't their business." Nova nodded. "One night, a burglar came to my family's home. At least I think it was a burglar though I'm not sure what he would want. We had close to nothing. Anyway I was only a baby and I heard gunshots go off. My parents died. Then I was shot. Suddenly my dormant powers awoke. Of course that's what I was told. Anyway, I was found clutching this bullet and covered in my own blood. My older sister disappeared that night and later I was declared dead. Stupid Renegades. And ever since, I've been here." Nova's eyes widened. "Now tell me your childhood. I know it couldn't have been good." Nova gulped.
"I was 6 years old living in a tiny apartment. I had a baby sister. She was like you. Just a baby with an older sister with almost nothing. One night, the last time I slept, a man came. A hitman. He was sent by my uncle to kill us since my father gave away my uncle's biggest secret. You should know by now I'm Ace Anarchy's niece. I watched as he shot my parents. Then I ran to the closet." Tears welled up in Nova's eyes, but this time she let them fall. She couldn't hide them. "Then I heard my baby sister start to cry. I forgot Evie. Then the third gunshot went off. Evie stopped crying. Soon the hitman found me. He pressed the gun to my forehead. I snatched his wrist and out him to sleep. I tried to shoot him for what seemed like hours, but I couldn't pull the trigger. Then Ace showed up. He brought me to the cathedral and raised me. At that last battle, where he actually died this time, I was told Ace sent the man and I was also supposed to die. Until he saw what I could do. I never forgave him. And I never will." Tears were flowing fast but Nova did nothing to stop them.
"Sounds pretty close to my story." Maggie said trying to break the silence. Nova looked at the girl again. Remembering what Evie had looked like, was similar to Magpie. Evie had had black little hairs and was a small child, like Magpie. The had the same eye color and face shape. To be honest, is Evie hasn't died she would look like Maggie exactly.
"Did you ever get tested? Like blood?" She asked carefully. Maggie looked at her weirdly.
"No? Why?" Nova stood up and grabbed the girl's hand. "What are you doing?" She cried out.
"Getting you tested. I have a few theories."

Dun dun dun!!! I'll wrote the next one later. See you and I told you, spoilers!!! Ugh I love this series so much it's weird. And I got two of my friends to reading and also my cousin got the first book. Eek! I am really weird. Bye!
~Marissa-Meyer-Fan 😍

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