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This is 5 years after supernova. Enjoy!

   "So, when are you gonna do it," Max asked his big brother who was staring at himself in the mirror.

   "Whenever the time is right." Adrian sighed. "Do you think she'll say yes? I mean, we've been through a lot, but does she really want that life?" Adrian started panicking.

   "Adrian of course she'll say yes. Nova loves you and you love her. You've both already given away your v-card." Adrian blushed and glared at Max. "That was an unfortunate situation for me."

   "You didn't even see anything," Adrian hissed.

   "Oh but I heard. You wouldn't believe the sound that came from your room." Adrian felt his face heat up as Max smirked.

   "Okay, I'm not talking to you about my sex life."

   "No need. I can just listen and I know all I need to know."

   "Get out!" Adrian shoved Max, who was laughing, out of the room

   "I bet Nova wants another round!" Before Adrian could say anything, Max ran out of the house.

   "Ugh, that kid." Adrian shook his head and stared back in the mirror. Adrian opened up the drawer and grabbed the ring box. It was red velvet and simple. He lifted the lid and looked at the ring. It was perfect for Nova. It was simple, but still beautiful.

   "Adrian! I'm home!" Nova shouted

Rất tiếc! Hình ảnh này không tuân theo hướng dẫn nội dung. Để tiếp tục đăng tải, vui lòng xóa hoặc tải lên một hình ảnh khác.

   "Adrian! I'm home!" Nova shouted. Adrian shut the box and slammed it into the dresser. He came out of the room to see Nova setting her keys and phone on the counter.

   "How was work?" Adrian asked. Nova had continued working in the artifacts department and soon became the head of it, under the council of course, after Snapshot retired. 

   "Boring. Not many costumers, though Maggie comes by often." After Maggie had been revealed to be Nova's little sister, Nova and Maggie got much closer. However, Maggie chose not to go by Evie because she had grown up with the name Maggie. 

   "That sucks. I was wondering what to make for dinner. Max is hanging out with some kids so it will just be us," Adrian said. 

   "I'm really craving some pizza right now. How about we order pizza then go to the statue glen?" Adrian smiled.

   "Sounds like a plan. I'll go an order the pizza." Adrian walked away to go order so Nova got herself a glass of water. 

   "Hey Nova." Nova jumped and turned around to see Max. 

   "Didn't Adrian say you'd be at some friend's house or something?" 

   "Well, I'd love to go, but I need a driver." Nova chuckled and set down her cup. 

   "I'll take you. Adrian! I'm taking Max to his friend's house! I'll be back in 10!" Nova yelled before grabbing her keys once more. "Let's go." Nova got to her car and started it whilst Max sat and buckled his seat belt. "Which house?" 

   "Ruby's." Nova nodded and began driving. "It's a sleepover, so don't worry about keeping me awake with your sex. You can do it all night if you wish." Nova nearly slammed her foot down on the break. 

   "Boy, you are so lucky I'm driving or I would give you a good beating. Never talk about my sex life again unless you have a death wish." 

   "Dang, Adrian took that a lot better than you did." 

   "Max," Nova said with warning.

   "I'll stop. Turn left up here." 

   "I know what I'm doing." Nova pulled up to Ruby's driveway. Even though she was now 21, she still lived with her family, though she and Oscar have been looking for a place to live together. "Here you go."

   "Aren't you gonna say hi?" 

   "I have to get back to the house. And you need to get out of the car." Max rolled his eyes, but listened nonetheless. Once he was gone, Nova drove back. When she got in, Adrian already set up for dinner. "Sorry I'm late. Also, you need to have a talk with Max. He needs to stop talking about our sex life." Adrian groaned.

   "He did it with you too?"

   "Yeah, and if I wasn't driving, he'd be bruised and bloodied." Adrian smiled at her. 

   "You know you can't hurt even a hair on his head. You love him too much for that."

   "You may be right, but I can't wait for tomorrow. He's staying with Hugh and Simon that day and the two days after that." Nova stayed quiet for a second. "You know, when we talk about who Max is staying with on certain days, it kind of sounds like we're divorced with your dads." 

   "The things you come up with." Nova smiled and gave Adrian a peck on the lips. 

   "But can we please get back at Max. Oh! I have a good idea! When comes back, let's say we had sex on his bed. He'll freak." Adrian smirked and gave Nova another peck. 

   "Perfect. Now let's eat. I'm starving." The two ate and talked about anything and everything. Nova noticed Adrian was fidgeting with something in his pocket, but she assumed it to be his marker. Only thing was that he only fidgeted with it when he was nervous. "Are you okay?" she finally asked when she had had enough of guessing about what was bothering him. 

   "What? Oh, yeah, I'm great. You ready to go to the park?" Nova gave him a suspicious glance, unsure what to say. "I'm fine Nova. There's just a lot on my mind." Nova nodded and stood.

   "Come on. Let's walk." The couple walked out the door and began walking towards the area of the statue glen. The began getting closer when Adrian started fidgeting again, but he managed to calm down. "Isn't it beautiful?" Nova asked when the reached the glen. 

   "Sure is. Let's sit." The two sat down and stared at the sky. "Nova." Nova looked at him with questions in her eyes. "I love you. I love you more than life itself. Though we have had our ups and downs, I can't think of a better person I want to spend the rest of my life with. You are funny, and smart, and kind, and super badass." Nova let out a chuckled while tears threatened to fall. "You make my life better in so many ways." Adrian took out the box and opened it. "Nova Jean Artino, will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?" The tears fell and instead of saying something, she kissed him. When she pulled away, she wiped the tears.

   "Of course you dumbass," she said laughing, and so did Adrian. He slipped the ring on her finger and Nova kissed him hard. He cupped a hand around her neck, bringing her closer. Her hands were placed on his toned chest, adn she was draped over his lap. They broke apart smiling like two idiots. "I love you." 

   "I do too. More than you'll ever know." That night, they did exactly what Max suggested. 

Happy Mother's Day! I really like this chapter. Comment if you want me to write a one-shot on their wedding. Love ya'll!!

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