Author Note

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Hello my lovelies! I know it has been awhile since I've updated and no this isn't an update. Side note: if you follow me and have read my latest update on my page, you don't need to read this.

Now back to business. I cannot believe all the success I have had. I mean my stories aren't crazy successful but three of them are getting to be fairly popular, and it is an incredible feeling. And to think I thought a hundred views was a lot.

I want to thank those of you that have been reading this story and sticking through it. Now while I love updating this and creating the one-shots, I have run into a slight problem. It isn't because I'm out of ideas. I have plenty.

The problem is that I have way too many stories to write. I think I said seven on my page, but my mind is coming up with even more so we are up to nine at this point. One not so much but still! Because of all the stories I am writing, I have to take a break from this one. I have also gotten into some self publishing stuff and I am looking to publish one of my drafts instead of putting it in this website/app. Exciting stuff! SO, I will not be updating this story for some time, at least until I finished one of my stories. It is really sad not to be updating this, but I need to get a jump start on some of the ones I'm planning. I hope I can finish one of them so I can get back to this one. I hope you are all doing amazing and don't forget to check out my other stories if you haven't. I'll admit, I don't like them just because I am overly critical of myself but a bunch of other people like them so just check them out. Give my stories love!

Anyway I will be quiet on Wattpad from the outside looking in but in reality I am just trying to finish these stories and it take a lot of time and effort. So I will get back to my writing. I love you all so much and thank you for the kind words! Bye for now!

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