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Ok I want to thank Fangirl_Reader_12 for this awesome idea. For this one-shot just pretend Hawthorn isn't dead and Frostbite hasn't tortured her yet. Also Adrian knows she had a nightmare that keeps her from sleeping. Please enjoy! 😁

    "Ruby did you see anything?" Adrian asked Ruby as she came out of the building. The black and white haired girl shook her head no. Oscar trailed behind her, a glum look on his face. Nova stood next to Adrian and huffed. They had been so close until Hawthorn got away. Nova rubbed her arm where Hawthorn's extremities scratched her. "You ok?" Adrian asked Nova. She nodded and glanced around looking for the villain.
   Nova still wondered what Ingrid would do if she found out Nova was actually trying to help the Renegades capture villain. With the new release of Agent N, the Renegades would no doubt use it on Hawthorn. Nova's eyes looked at over until she saw a face. Nova turned her body completely and narrowed her eyes. A shine of silver glinted in the air. Hawthorn's nose ring!
     "Right there!" She shouted. Nova bolted towards the stairs to get the roof. At times like this, Nova wished she could just use her gloves and scale the walls but she couldn't. It would give her away as Nightmare. Nova ran on the roof and saw Hawthorn jumping onto the next. She heard her team following her, Adrian shouting for her to slow down. Nova didn't listen and leaped across the rooftop onto the next, chasing the villain down. The villain turned around and glared at her. She sent a thorn covered limb in Nova's direction and Nova ducked low. It passed her and Hawthorn growled in annoyance.
   Nova tired to reach for her shock gun when another limb flew at her. She tried to jump away, but Nova was too late. It grabbed her torso and Nova screamed in pain as the thorns tore through her uniform and punctured her skin. Nova slipped out a small dagger from her belt, something she actually bought instead of made, and plunged it into the limb. Hawthorn screeched and pulled the extremity away, dropping Nova in the process. Nova landed on her feet and sprinted to the villain. She through a punch at the villain and it hit Hawthorn in the face. Hawthorn reacted with a punch of her own while more thorn covered limbs extracted from her body. Nova tried to dodge each attack, but she got whipped in the gut, thorns sliding across her stomach opening up a large scar.
   Nova growled beginning to get pissed off with the villain. Her team finally joined her and Oscar shot a dart of smoke to her eyes. In response, Hawthorn shot a limb in his directing. He got hit in the leg and Oscar grunted. Ruby flung her ruby dagger at the villain but missed. Nova, finally done with everything going on around her, pulled out her shock gun and shot it at Hawthorn. The woman fell on her back, eyes closed. The fighting ceased and her team was staring at her. Nova looked back at them noticing how their eyes were wide and mouths were open.
"Damn!" Oscar was the first to speak. "Who knew you could pull something like that?! But what about the stabbing? Doesn't the council frown upon that?" He asked. Nova rolled her eyes and took the dagger.
"As long as she doesn't die, it's fine. They'll be thankful we captured her." Nova responded. She was getting sick of all the questions regarding her motives going against the council and their code. As long as the villains survived and were captured, what did it matter? Adrian was looking at her with a suspecting look. It frankly made Nova uncomfortable.
Adrian was beyond confused. Back when he fought Nightmare as the Sentinel, she had stabbed him. Hadn't used her powers, but did a plain dirty attack. And now Nova did that same thing. She grabbed a dagger and just stabbed Hawthorn. Also Nightmare was very capable of jumping from rooftop to rooftop and Nova used the same stance as Nightmare had when she jumped. He always knew that Nova was pretty reckless, but she had never done something like Nightmare. Was it possible they were the same person? No. No! How could he think that? Nova was Nova. Nightmare was Nightmare. Maybe she heard that it took Adrian or the Sentinel by surprise and thought it was a good attack. Yes, maybe Nightmare was a villain, but she could fight pretty well. Even Adrian had to admit to that. That was it. Nova was just using a few of Nightmare's better tactics. For the good of the people. Not for the bad.
"Adrian!" Nova shouted. She was cradling her stomach and a glare shown on her face. "Sweet rot, I thought I'd never get you to focus. What were you thinking about?" Adrian couldn't tell Nova he suspected she was Nightmare, she was always tense about that subject.
"Oh nothing. Just about how we need you to get healed." Nova rolled her eyes.
"One, you're lying. Two, I don't need medical attention. I'm fine and I can bandage myself up perfectly by myself." Adrian scoffed and walked over to her. The way she was bending made her appear even shorter.
"That's cute, but you're getting medical attention just like the others who were also stabbed. Being honest, you got the worst. Did you not hear yourself scream when her limb picked you up?" Nova grumbled some incoherent words and he could only guess as to what she said.
Just then, they heard the sound of an ambulance coming their way. Adrian tried to help nova down to ground level but she refused. She got no help even when the whole team tried to help. That was the one thing Adrian hated yet loved about her at the same time. She was indépendant, but that meant Adrian couldn't really get close to her. The ambulance parked by them and Adrian's dads walked out.
"Ok we'll get Magpie to search the-holy shit! Nova what happened to you?" Hugh asked as he got out of the vehicle. He was shocked to see Nova's stomach bleeding out as well her back and sides. He saw the girl stumble and her face began to pale. "Nova..." Hugh started. Nova looked around and then let her eyes close as she fell.
"Nova!" Adrian screamed. Her bent down and picked her up. "Get her a damn healer!" He screamed. He set her on one of the tables that a healer brought out and laid her down. Blood was now all over Adrian and Nova. The healers took her into the ambulance and drove off. "Oh shit." Adrian murmured. He started realizing what would happen. He knew that as soon as Nova woke up, she would be screaming in fear and not pain. Her nightmare. "We have to hurry. As soon as she wakes up she'll freak out." He said quickly to his dad.
"She'll be safe. She has people attending to her wounds and the pain won't be there. Just calm down and get the medical attention you need." His dad said.
"No you don't understand! The reason she doesn't sleep is because of this nightmare she has! It was her trauma. Like when she went into Max's quarantine and fell asleep. She woke up screaming in agony. Dad you have to let me go." Adrian pleaded.
"Dude she'll be ok. She won't wake up for awhile and we are all exhausted. Let's just get treated and go home and sleep." Oscar said. Adrian calmed down. Oscar was right. Nova wouldn't wake up for very long and Adrian could be there for when she did wake up. All he needed was a little treatment for his wounds and a good night sleep. All without Nova being awake.

Ok I'm not sure if this is good or not. I feel like it was pretty good but at the same time, I think I could do better. Tell me what you think in the comments. Thank you for reading and I'll be back with another one-shot soon.
~Marissa-Meyer-Fan 😊

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