Another Nodrian Movie Night

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So sorry for the late update! With corona and quarantine and all that shit going on, I completely forgot about updating. I am trying to make a plan to update every other day, but who knows how that's gonna work. Anyway, on with the update! FINALLY!

   "Nova!" Adrian called up the stairs where he had last seen her. Nova popped her head out, question on her face. "There you are." Adrian began walking up the stairs and when he reached her, he planted a soft kiss against her lips. She smiled coyly.

   "You were looking for me?" Nova wrapped her arms around his neck as she bit her lip. Adrian nudged his forehead against hers.

   "I was wondering if you wanted to watch another movie. Pops and Dad took Max out because he can finally go out and with all the craziness that just happened with Ace and all that, I thought that it would be fun to watch a movie." Nova smiled.

   "I'm down." Adrian grabbed her hand and brought her downstairs to his room. Thought they were dating and Nova was staying at his house, they didn't share a room. All Hugh's idea. Adrian set up he movie while Nova settled down on the couch. When the movie started, Adrian sat beside her and held her hand.

   Soon Nova placed her head on his shoulder and he wrapped his arm around hers. He kissed her head and Nova smiled. While she watched, Nova remembered what Adrian has said. Ace. Nova was still heartbroken about it. Her own uncle tried to kill his brother and his family. Soon tears were sliding down her cheeks. Nova raised her hand to wipe them away, but Adrian grabbed her hand softly. He turned to look in her eyes and frowned at her tears.

   "What's wrong Nova?" he asked carefully.

   "I just can't stop thinking about him. He was my uncle and he tried to kill my father, his own brother!" Nova cried. Adrian held her in a tight embrace and just sat there, letting her cry. He knew it was better to let the emotions out than hide them. In the past, she always hid them, but now she needed to let them out.

   "It's going to be ok," he soothed.

   "How?" Her voice was weak and quiet.

   "I don't know, but the pain will pass. That's how it happened with my mom. I still miss her and wish she was here, but I don't cry. Now I smile when I remember her because of the things she taught me and how great she was."

   "I know it sounds absurd, it does to me too, but in a way Ace helped me. He taught me how to do things and he helped when I was grieving my parents. An the anarchists helped too. They trained me and became my friends. Winston was my best friend when I was younger."

   "You were right. It does sound absurd." Nova laughed.

   "Thank you."

   "For what?"

   "For everything. Giving me a second chance, believing me, still loving me after all that I did. Adrian I tried to kill your father, but you still love me. I shot you, but you still love me. I don't know how you could forgive me for that."

   "Nova, you killed the Detonator because she was going to kill me, you saved Max when you could have just run away to safety, and you killed Queen Bee because she was trying to kill me. But above all that, you stayed with me. Before you knew about Ace and his plans, you came onto my side. You helped me. You were ready to save Gatlon City and betray your uncle and all of you plans for revenge." 

   "You really are the best guy I could ask for," Nova said before pressing her lips against Adrian's. Adrian kissed her back and brought a hand to cup her neck. A kiss that started out sweet soon turned passionate and hungry. Adrian brought Nova to his lap where she was straddling him. They kissed with a passion but there was more to it that just can't be described. Nova pulled away slightly and they rested the foreheads against each other and Adrian played with Nova's hair.

   "You believe me now?" Adrian asked. 

   "Do you even have to ask?" Nova kissed Adrian again, but the kiss was different. It was soft, gentle, and sweet. It was more knowing. Adrian pulled away again. 

   "What happened to watching that movie?"

Okay I think Adrian and Nova will forever not be able to watch an entire movie without kissing. It is that classic boyfriend girlfriend thing to always say they are gonna watch a movie and end up just missing it because they are too busy kissing. Anyway, thanks for reading and I'm so sorry for the late update. Excuse any errors.

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