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   Nova stood at the edge of the roof, staring at the horizon. It had been a week since Ace's death and Nova still couldn't bare the thought of it. Learning that her own uncle killed his family and was going to kill her made Nova want to throw up. But there was still something in her that wanted him back. Despite everything he did, he still raised her. Though he did try to kill her by throwing her off the side of a building. This is why Nova kept her feelings to herself. They were too confusing for even her to understand. 

   "Nova?" Nova turned around and saw Adrian walking near her. She turned back, and Adrian came up beside her with his arms around her waist. "Still thinking about Ace?" Nova's mixed feelings were no mystery to Adrian. 

   "I don't understand. He tried to kill me. Twice. But in some odd, twisted way, I still miss him. Watching his death along with my parents' is so hard. Why? Why Adrian? Why do I still care about him?" 

   "He's your family. Yes, he's a killer and killed your family and tried to kill you, but he also raised you. He was there for you when your family was dead." 

   Nova turned and hugged Adrian tightly as tears flowed down her cheeks. She couldn't stop them no matter how much she wanted to. She felt vulnerable and weak. 

   "It'll be okay. You'll be okay," Adrian soothed as he rubbed her back. 

   "When does it stop? The pain. When does the pain stop?" Adrian sighed and rested his head on her head. 

   "It doesn't. You just learn to live with it." Nova had begun to calm down, but she didn't release her hold on him. "Are you ready to see the others? They're waiting for you, but we can stay if you want." Nova shook her head and backed away. 

   "I'll be fine. Let's go." They walked down to the bottom floor of HQ and met up with their friends. Danna noticed Nova's uneasiness.

   "Hey Adrian, can I steal Nova for a minute?" Danna asked. Adrian nodded and Nova and Danna walked off to the side. "Are you okay?" Nova sighed.

   "No. As much as I try, I can't get that night out of my head. I shot the woman who was practically a second mother to me, I find out my own uncle killed his own family, my uncle tries to throw me off the roof of a building, and my uncle died. I can't handle it anymore. There are so many things they kept from me. And now, no one trusts me. They all think I'm a serial killer, and that I will go and murder everyone they love." 

   "Nova don't listen to them. You killed the Detonator, you defeated Ace by getting rid of his powers, and you saved millions. Nova you're a hero, no matter what anyone else says. Now get back to the love of your life and think of the good things." Nova nodded and hugged her best friend. 

   "Thanks. I guess I needed that." Danna shrugged and shoved her towards Adrian.

   "Hey, you good?" Adrian asked when she came up to him. 

   "Perfectly amazing. Let's say we ditch this joint and go and hang out by ourselves. Think of the good things," Nova said. Adrian smiled and planted a small kiss on her lips. 

   "I love you." 

   "I love you more." 

   "Impossible." Nova laughed and led Adrian outside. They ran down the street, ignoring all the looks they got and just let go for once. Lived the way they wanted and just had fun. Nova was finally learning how to live with the pain and push forward. Let's say, she felt over the moon.

Sorry I didn't put this up yesterday. I got side tracked. Oops! Also, this way horrible, but I needed to put something up. Oh well. Love you all! 

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