Sisters Part 2

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     "What theory?" Maggie cried out as Nova brought her into HQ. It was night so few people were in. It was the perfect timing. "Nova!" Maggie finally yelled. "What are you trying to test? What theory are you talking about?" She asked.
     "Your réal name and genes." And that was all Nova said. She found a healer and made her take a blood sample of Maggie's and her own.
     "What is this all about? What are you trying to prove?" Maggie asked again.
     "I don't think your real name is really Maggie. I may be wrong but it only makes sense." Maggie let out an exasperated huff, tossing her arms up.
     "What makes sense?" She asked.
     "Think about it. I was 6 and you were a baby 10 years ago. Your family was killed in a small apartment and your sister disappeared. Your 6 years old sister. I was 6 when my family was killed in front of me in my tiny apartment. My sister was a baby and then I left and no one knew where I went. I 'disappeared'. Think of how the timelines match up!" Nova cried.
     "So what, you think we are sisters? Nova are you out of your god dammed mind. My name is-" the door slammed open, cutting Maggie off. The healer walked in, a dazed expression on her now freakish pale face.
     "H-he-here are your re-results." She stammered our. Nova yanked the results out of her hand and looked at them. They matched. She looked at the genes and their family roots and dropped the results. She stared at Maggie. Eyes wide, mouth agape. Of course! She wasn't Maggie, she was Evie! Her baby sister! No wonder she was so stubborn and quick to be serious. And now knowing it, they looked more alike than she realized.
     "What? What is it?" She asked quickly. Nova ran up and hugged her sister tightly. She didn't know whether to call her Evie or Maggie.
"Welcome home little sis." She whispered and hugged the girl again. She twirled her around while Maggie- no Evie-complained and told her to put her down.
"What are you talking about?" Nova smiled and handed Evie he results. She skimmed them quickly over and over before looking up. Her eyes were wide and had tears in them. "Who knew the girl I used to hate was my sister." Nova cried and hugged her tightly.
"No wonder you were so attached to my bracelet." And right after Nova said that, the door burst open revealing Adrian. A very confused Adrian.
"I really don't want to guess." Nova laughed and handed Adrian the results the way she did too Evie. Adrian read the carefully once and then looked up in shock. "You two? Of all people, you are the ones that are sisters? Damn who would've thunk it?" Nova laughed and hugged Adrian.
"I think I finally found my happiness."

Ok so this sucked but you get it. Maggie is really Evie, Nova's baby sister. Evie didn't die, but instead earned powers that were the same as her uncle's. To me, that is so awesome! I'm loving it. See you!"
~Marissa-Meyer-Fan 🤩

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