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This takes place ten years after Supernova. Enjoy!!

"Georgia! Tala! I need to take you to daycare!" Nova telles for her two little girls. After Nova and Adrian got married, they settled in a town right outside of Gatlon through they commuted every day for work.

"You getting the girls?" Adrian asked walking over to Nova. He kissed her on top of her head as she huffed in response.

"I don't know why we decided to have kids." Nova mumbled.

"You know you love them." Just then, two little girls ran downstairs. Nova smiled at the two carbon copies of her.

Tala and Georgia were twins and anyone who saw them instantly know they were Nova's girls. The two girls looked exactly like her. They had her hair, her jaw, her nose, and her eyes. The one thing they had if Adrian, were his dimples. Nova couldn't have asked for anything more.

"I do. Okay girls, are you completely ready to go? Mommy doesn't want to have to come back because of if you forgot a hair clip." Forgetting things and losing things were Tala and Georgia's specialty.

"No mama. We have everything." Tala said in her high pitched kid voice.

"Oh really? Where's Mr. Cuddles?" Tala and Georgia each had one stuffed animal they brought everywhere. Mr. Cuddles and Mr. Fluff.

Tala gasped and immediately ran upstairs whilst Adrian chuckled. Nova have him a small glance and he quieted. Tala came back down, the bear in her arms.

"Okay, now I'm ready." She said, smiling widely to see her two missing front teeth.

"Alright, is goodbye to daddy and we will go." The little girls ran to Adrian hugging his legs. Adrian scooped them up in his arms, planting kissing on their foreheads.

"You girls are getting too big to be picked up." He teased. They laughed and Adrian set them down. "Have fun and be good in the car."

"We will daddy!" Georgia exclaimed. Nova smiled and led them out the door. Nova brought them to the car and drove them to daycare. They arrived shortly and Nova brought them to the front office. One of the workers was waiting there to take them.

"Alright ladies, have fun and be good. Mama loves you." Nova said.

"Love you mama." Georgia said hugging her. Nova kissed Georgia and waited for Tala to come to her.

"What is it Tala?" Nova asked concerned. Georgia had run off to the worker and was being brought to the room.

"What if you don't come back to pick us up? You were late yesterday." Nova smiled sadly and pulled Tala in her arms.

"I know it's scary, but you have to be brave. I will always come back to pick you up. Now remember, if you are ver scared, just look inside your heart and remember that you don't have to face your fears alone. You have people who love you. Everyone is braver and stronger than they think. I love you Tala." Nova pulled her daughter tighter and Tala hugged her back tightly around the neck.

"Don't leave me mama." She whispered.

"I would never dream of it." Tala let go and Nova wipes a tear that had slipped down the little girl's cheek. Tala nodded and ran off. Standing up, Nova left the building and got on her car. She drove off to HQ and once she got there, she immediately went looking for Adrian. "Adrian!" She called when she saw him talking to Oscar. Adrian turned and got a nervous look upon seeing Nova's face.

"Nova? What's wrong? Did something happen with the girls? Are you hurt?" He asked quickly.

"No nothing crazy just...when I dropped Tala and Georgia off, Tala wasn't leaving like she normally did. I asked her if something was wrong, and she said she was afraid I wouldn't come pick her up. Like the thing that happened with you and your mom. She said she was worried because yesterday I was late." Adrian turned still.

"What do you propose we do?"

"I'm not sure. Maybe we could give it a couple days and if it gets worse, we could take her somewhere or ask her for more details and stay home with her. I don't need her losing one of us and I can't lose you."

"And me with you. I agree. We'll play it by ear. But for right now, we have a job to do." Nova nodded but she still had a weird feeling in her gut. Something she couldn't shake.


In two weeks, Nova and Adrian has been in a patrol when a villain came out. The team fought brilliantly, but the villain fought dirty. That night, Nova was killed.

Tala and Georgia were devastated, but Adrian was broken. The girl he loved more than life itself was gone. But he had to be strong. Everyday since then he was a hero. He stayed with the girls who needed up becoming prodigies. He lived to see his grandkids. Adrian continued saving Gatlon and stayed with his friends. For a while he went to a therapist to help with the loss of his wife and learned to deal with the fact that Nova was gone. He did what Nova would have wanted,  but he still felt something missing. His star. His Nova.

At the age of 85, Adrian grew ill and on his last day, he was at peace. He had his daughters and grandkids at his side but he wasn't sad. Soon he would be reunited with his love. Adrian does with a smile on his face.

Not gonna lie, this was hard to write. It may have been a small chapter, but full of heartfelt feelings. If you haven't seen my post of my page, then I'll state it hear. I suck at updating. Clearly I can't stick to a plan. It's like a new year's resolution in a way. Anyway, I will try my best to update. The next one could be in 2 days or 2 months. You never know with me. I also want to thank those who have been so kind. You know who you are. I feel so blessed to have you saying such kind things. It truly makes my day. This time has been rough for people, but your comments just make it all okay for me. I'll stop here before I start crying, but thank you, and I mean it from the bottom of my heart. I love you all!!

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