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Sapphire's POV

I'm on my way home after class today but I'm feeling a little restless. I don't really want to go home and study just yet so I decide to go to the park for a bit. I lay down on soft grass and just relax for awhile I haven't taken anytime for myself since college started, it feels nice.

Things have been way too stressful lately. I'm getting no time for myself with all these assignments and I still have to worry about work and being able to pay everything. Things were easier when my parents were still here with me. But they haven't been with me since I was really little. I can't even remember how young I was but I couldn't be more than 4 years old on the day they were attacked and murdered.

My Uncle took me in. He's nice but he had no idea how to take care of himself never mind a kid. I'd come home to find him high on heroine all the time. I had to learn from a very young age how to cook and take care of myself, but at least he was kind and he was family. Things we're alright, until he overdosed one day leaving me alone again.

With the last of my family gone I was put into foster care when I was 10. I moved from one foster family to another quiet frequently because the social workers noticed I always took care of myself when that's supposed to be the foster parents job. I don't know why I wouldn't let them take care of me. I just got used to doing everything myself. I guess I didn't really trust anyone to do it for me.

I laid in the sun for awhile and didn't realize I started to doze off. I woke up startled I was still in the park. Luckily somehow I still had all my stuff but it had gotten extremely late. I gather my things and walked as quick as I could back home. I heard a loud bang that sounded like it was quite close. I looked around but saw nothing and I picked up the pace. As I was turning the corner someone crashed into me and we both landed on the ground.

"What the fuck!!", the man yelled out. "I'm sorry I was in a hurry", I say as I finally look up. I see that there are two other guys and they were all carrying brief cases in one hand and had guns in the other. I start to panic and back away. "Don't fucking move or scream", one of them said pointing the gun at me. I stayed still out of fear.

"Fuck what are we supposed to do now?", one of them says. "Isn't it obvious", the other one says as he grabs me "Don't scream or I'll shoot you, don't test me". They dragged me further down the road to car and shoved me inside. A woman was there waiting.

"What the fuck is this, I'm positive a girl wasn't part of the deal", she questions the boys. "I know but she saw us we couldn't just let her loose", the woman sighs. "Remember to tell the bosses I was not apart of your incompetence." With that she started driving. The car was silent at first until the man I bumped into started talking.

"What's your name pretty thing?", I stay quiet and the other guy smacks him. "Don't be a perv, sorry about him." After awhile one of the boys blind folds me and I know better than to try defy them at this point. The rest of the car ride was back in silence but my mind was racing. What were they going to do with me?

After what felt like hours we finally come to a stop and the take me out of the car and lead me towards where my fate would be decided. They push me past some doors before taking off the blindfold. It was a huge place it looked like a mansion. They push me again and I follow them up the stairs and to the end of the long hallway to two big doors.

One knocks on the door. "Boss we kind of have a problem here may we come in?", we hear a female voice behind the doors, "We're busy right now we'll deal with it later", "But boss it really is a problem that kinda needs to be dealt with now". I hear loud footsteps come towards the door. "I fucking said-", she stops herself when she opens the door and looks at me.

I have to admit she was intimidating but very much attractive. Her deep brown eyes could entrance me, if I wasn't scared shitless right now. "Boss we're sorry for our carelessness but this little lady here saw us and so we had to take her". When he said that another female voice yelled from behind the door. This one was much more raspy and more frightening.

"You fucking imbeciles all you had to do was make the deal and you get yourselves caught, I don't care what you do just get rid of her and leave us be!!!", I flinched at that. The brown eyed girl speaks again. "Wait babe come here", she motions for the other girl to come and soon another very attractive green eyed goddess appears. She stares at me for a few seconds before speaking again in a much more calm voice.

"Hmm I think I know what you're thinking babe, nevermind boys we'll take her from here", she waves the boys off and yanks me into the room which I see is an office.

"Sit down there", she points to the couch in the center. "Now how about we introduce ourselves, My name is Lauren Cabello-Jauregui and that beautiful woman you see is my wife Camila Cabello-Jauregui", they both sit and stare deeply into me. "I... I'm Sapphire, Sapphire Avalon", I reply nervously. "Well Sapphire you've got yourself in quite a situation, you see my wife and I are the bosses here and do you have even the slightest idea of where here is?"

I shake my head no. Camila speaks up "You little one are in Cuba and are in the presence of the Cuban Mafia leaders." My eyes widen and I stopped breathing. I'm more fucked than I thought. I was taken by the fucking Cuban Mafia.

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