Cabello-Jauregui family

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Sapphire's POV

I wake up in Mommy and Momma's bed but they're not here. I got up and see Dinah on her phone. "Hey Squirt, you finally up." I sat up, "Where's Mommies?", I ask. "They had to deal with something and asked me to watch you for a bit",  I try to move but I feel my full diaper. "Need Mommies", I say. "Sorry squirt, they're busy". I shake my head, "NEED MOMMIES!!". Dinah freaks out but tries to calm me down. 

"Hey hey no need for this your mommies will be back soon", I throw myself on the bed and scream. "I WANT MOMMIES", i continue to cry out. "Sapphire Cabello-Jauregui!!!", I hear Momma scream and I stop. "Sapphire you're not to scream at your auntie like that, you're supposed to listen to who we leave in charge of you remember and that was also very disrespectful". I hung my head low.

"You are going to apologize to Aunt Dinah and then you're going into time out", I look at Dinah. "Sorry Aunt DJ", she smiles at me. "It's alright little one you just wanted your Mommies." I see Momma point to the corner and I go stand there. "10 minutes, 5 for each rule broken". I stood there for 10 minutes which felt like hours, why does it feel so long!!? "

"Okay baby you can come out now", I go to Momma and sit on her lap. "Tell Momma why you were in timeout", "Cause I screamed and didn't listen to Aunt DJ and disrespected her, I sorry Momma". She hugs me tight, "It's alright princess, you're forgiven. Now why were you screaming for us so badly?".

I looked down, "Diapee". "Aunt DJ could've changed you". I shake my head vigorously, I ain't letting anyone else change me. "Sapphire you need to let others change you when Mommy and Momma can't or else you'll get a rash and we'd hate that right." I quickly nod my head. "Well then next time let your Aunties change you, it's not that bad sweet cheeks", easy for her to say.

She lifts us both up, "Now let's change that diapee and go to Mommy." After Momma changes me she takes me to the living room. We go in to see so many people AGAIN. I hide in Momma's shoulder, why is there always people!!?? "Hi babygirl come meet everyone", Mommy takes me from Momma and I hide again. The people approach me.

"Oh mi hija she's beautiful, hi little one, I'm Camila's mama and your Abuela, this man here is her papa and your Abuelo", I look at the lady and man beside her. "Buela, Buelo?", I ask and she giggles. "Yes little one", she smiles at me as another man and woman approach me.

"We're Lauren's mom and dad. Your Nana and Grandad. You're such a little cutie, we've been waiting for a grandchild and finally we've been given one so adorable", Lauren's mom says. I Point to the last 3 and ask who they are. "They are your aunts and uncle, this is my sister Sofie", Mommy says.

"This is my brother Chris and my sister Taylor", Momma says. Aunt Sofie comes up to me. "Kaki can I hold her?", Mommy nods. "Alright but sit down", aunt Sofie sits down and Mommy places me in her lap. "She's so cute, she's like an actual baby", she says. "Well, in a way she is Sofie, how old is her headspace anyway?", uncle Chris asks.

"Her headspace is still developing but it seems like she's going to range from an infant to 6 years old", Momma replies. I start to get shy again and reach for Momma. "Momma uppy", Momma takes me and I cuddle into her. "I told you it would take time see, it didn't even take long", aunt Taylor says to Momma.

"Alright I get it, but I think I wanna wait a little while longer before we put her into Little's school", I don't like the sound of that. "Yeah just take your time bonding with her", aunt Taylor pets my head.

Camila's POV

We continue to catch up with our families while Sapphire fell asleep on my lap. I look at the time and see that it's time for sapphy to take her pills. "Babe it's 3:30 could you get her bottle with her meds ready?", Sapphire has to take pills for her asthma as well as birth control pills, we decided that we would crush them into her milk rather than her drinking it.

"Sapphire, wake up babygirl", I gently shake sapphire awake she can't sleep any longer or she won't go to sleep later. "Baby come on, wakey wakey you need your baba", she stirs awake and looks at me with her beautiful eyes. She smiles and I smile back, hugging her tightly.

"It's obvious you've fallen in love with her already", my mama says. "Si mama, she's our girl, our little baby girl that Mommy and Momma love so much." I say to my mother but direct it towards my smiling baby. I kiss her forehead and Lauren comes back into the room with her bottle in hand.

"Mi princessa's awake, babe I can take her if you want", she says smiling. "It's alright love, you still have to deal with the security of the mansion so I'll take care of our baby", I take the bottle and Lauren leaves to handle things. I feed sapphy her milk while trying to keep her awake.

"Right mija, well we need to be going so good luck with everything and call us if you need anything alright", "Okay mama, love you", we say our goodbyes and everyone gives sapphy a kiss on the cheek before heading home.

"You have a new playground outside babygirl, you wanna go have some fun?", I ask. Sapphy squeals and wiggles in my arms. "I'll take that as a yes", I bring my baby to her room and get her changed into something she can play in.

We go outside to her gated playground, the thumb scanner let's anyone open the gate, except for hers so she can't just get out. "Alright baby go have fun", I say as I put her down and sit on the bench. I just sit in content watching my baby play and have fun.

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