Mafia party

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Sapphire's POV

That was embarrassing. Camila cleaned everywhere, I'm just relieved she let me clean down there but that was still embarrassing. I really hope I can find a way out. Camila is carrying me outside to the courtyard. There's so many people and once we step outside everyone just stares at us. I can't take everyone looking so stuff my face in Camila's shoulder.

She rubs my back, "You're okay, everyone's here to celebrate you." She brings us up onto the stage where Lauren is waiting for us. "There's my girls, you both look beautiful", she takes me from Camila and holds me on her hip as she talks to the crowd.

"You all know we're here to celebrate a new member to the family, everyone meet Sapphire",  They all clap and cheer. "However it's more than that. Sapphire is mine and Camila's little girl. She's ours and therefore no one is to lay a finger on her or to even look at her the wrong way. You are to respect her as much as she is to respect you. Now with that said....... Let's party!!", they all cheer and Lauren leads us off the the stage.

She continues to carry me as members of the Mafia come up to welcome me to the 'family' or to call me cute, which Lauren has to continuously remind people that I "belong to them". The guys who brought me here in the first place come up next and I just glare at them.

"Hey boss I see you took a liking to her", this one I learned his name was Marcus. "Yes so I guess something good came out of your carelessness, but I expect that it will not happen again". "Yes of course". Then the guy a ran into started speaking. "Well now I know what your name is pretty thing, mine's Aiden." For some reason he makes me uncomfortable and I lean into Lauren.

She seems to notice my unease, "Aiden I would much appreciate it if you didn't say such things that would make her uncomfortable, do I have to keep reminding people that she is mine and Camila's." That is the one time I'm okay with her saying that, if it'll keep him away. I'm actually really thanking her right now.

"I'm just speaking the truth, and don't worry we all know not to mess with what's yours." I hate it when they talk about me like I'm a possession but I just want to get away from him right now. I look around to find Camila and when I do try to show that I wanna go to her.  "What's up baby?", Lauren asks. I just point to Camila. "You wanna go to Mommy?", I just nod wanting to get away.

She heads over to Camila, "Hey babe this little one requested you", she hands me over to Camila. "Hi babygirl what's wrong?", I stay silent. "I think it's Aiden he was giving me some weird vibes earlier and it looked like Sapphire was disturbed by him too", Lauren says.

They look at each other for awhile and then to me "We'll talk about that later for now let's go get some food and have some fun baby." They take me to the huge table with so much food I didn't even know half of it. They fed me the entire time but I didn't mind, the food was great.

After our food had settled they took me to the bouncy castle and played with me on it. Honestly I had fun with those two, it was like being a kid again with your friends on the bouncy castle. I hadn't laughed or even smiled so much with these two the entire time I've been here. It was just us 3 on the bouncy castle and I actually liked it.

We were all sitting down, out of breathe and Camila checked the time. "It's 9:15 babe", she said to Lauren. "Whoops it's past someone's bedtime". I frowned come on I was actually having fun with them. "Don't pull that face it's already past your bedtime you've had extra time, now it's time for bed."

They get up and Lauren carries me upstairs but instead of going to my room they go into theirs. "Your room's being done up right now so you'll be staying in Mommy and Momma's room tonight." They walk in and I see a fucking adult sized crib, you've gotta be joking. "This is your crib you'll have one in your room but there's also one here in case we ever need it", they proceed to get me ready for bed and change me into footie pajamas.

Camila sits down and I'm laid across her lap like an infant. She grabs a bottle and tries to feed me milk. I refuse at first but Camila gives me a look that says don't fucking try. So I open up and let her feed me the milk which was vanilla flavoured. She starts humming and soon I'm concked out.

A few hours later.

I woke up in the damn crib and everything was quite. The party must've ended. I look at the clock and see it's actually only 3am. I look around and see that Lauren and Camila are sound asleep. This might be my chance. I climb out of the crib as quietly as I can and quickly look around for the key to the bracelet. It took awhile and I eventually found a small safe, I'm guessing that's where it is. Fuck it's a finger print safe. I try carrying the safe, luckily it wasn't heavy.

I'm so fucked if I end up waking them up. I try Camila cause she seems like the heavier sleeper. I place her thumb on the pad and thank God it opened without her waking up. I put it down and open it and there it was the key to my freedom.

I unlocked the bracelet and left the room after I checked if it was clear. I walked down the halls quickly but quietly. Why the fuck do they have to be so God damn long. I had to pass so many guards but thankfully no has caught me. I finally make it downstairs and out the door. Oh the wave of freedom felt so good as I stepped outside. Just have to get past the gate.

"Well well what do we have here?"

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