New friends

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Camila's POV

It's cute how Lauren reacts to a boy talking to Sapphy. She does need friends though so I think we should definitely put her in Little's school when we get back. "Lauren how are you going to react when we send Sapphy to Little's school? There's gonna be plenty of boys and girls that are going be around our precious little girl", I say teasing her.

"Don't make me consider homeschooling her", she responds. I laugh at that, "the whole point of Little's school is to let the little ones relive their young school life. Where they can play with other littles and learn together. There would be no point in homeschooling her babe", I state.

"I know, and we'll still send her but I'm supervising any play dates she has. That's non-negotiable", I roll my eyes at my wife and turn my attention to our baby who's currently being held by Lauren.

"Momma's being silly isn't she babygirl?", I boop her nose making her giggle and nod. "Yeah Momma being silly", she says laughing still. "How am I being silly little girl huh?", Lo says tickling her making Sapphy scream.

"MOMMY!!", she screams reaching for me. I try to take to her but Lauren refuses. "Nope, she's all mine today", Lauren says squeezing Sapphy in a hug.

"No Momma, I want Mommy. Mommy help me", she says still reaching for me again. Lauren starts walking quickly away from me, holding Sapphy tight. "Mommy can't take you from me. No one can muahaha". She laughs evilly. I smile at the two most important people to me until I feel someone tap my shoulder.

"Camila I'm gonna go ahead and help the staff with your things", I hear Maddie say. "Alright thanks for your help Maddie", I walk up to the front and I can still hear Sapphy struggling to get down when they make it outside. Lauren stops walking however. I catch up to them only to see lots of balloons and flowers.

"What is this?", I ask. Lauren shakes her head "This isn't my doing", she replies. A limo rolls up and a shy looking boy comes out holding one giant teddy bear. The limo drives off and he walks closer. "H-hi Sapphy", he says quietly. "Hi Toby", Sapphy replies once again trying to get down.

I guess Lauren was quiet stunned as Sapphy somehow managed to get out of her grip. She runs up to Toby and hugs both him and the bear. "I got this for you", he says giving her the bear.

"Thank you Toby, he's cute", she says to which Toby replies whispering "Like you". Wasn't quiet enough though as this snapped Lauren out of her daze. She quickly walked up to them and picked Sapphy back up, handing me the bear.

"Hello Toby, I'm Lauren. Sapphire's Momma", she says gripping Sapphy tightly. "Oww Momma. Put me down", she starts struggling again. Lauren loosens her grip but ignores her and continues to hold on.

"Momma!!", Lauren gives her, the warning look, and Sapphy stops whining immediately. Aww my poor baby, doesn't look like Momma's gonna give in this time.

"Excuse my wife. I'm Camila, Sapphire's Mommy. You seem like a sweet boy, thank you for all the gifts", I say trying not to scare the little guy. "This was really nice. How did you do all this, you're only a little boy", I ask as Lauren remains silent still holding Sapphy.

"Daddy helped me", he says pointing behind us. We turn to see a man in a suit, smiling at us. He looks somewhat familiar, I can't put my finger on how though until Lauren speaks. "Julio? What are you doing here", she says.

"Hey Lauren!! I was in Miami for business but my little one begged me to go to Disney so here we are. When my boy kept talking to me about a little girl he played with at the playground, I just had to play along. It was so cute. I looked into this Sapphire girl and when I found out she was your little, I couldn't resist. Especially knowing how possessive you can get, so I planned this whole thing", he says.

Lauren glares at him, "Sapphy is just too precious and needs to be protected by her Mommies. Besides she's my baby and Momma bear needs her baby cub close by", she says nuzzling Sapphire who just whines in protest.

"Momma stoooppppp, I smell you bweath", she pushes Lauren's face away making us laugh. Lauren pretends to be hurt, "Oh you little". Lauren starts huffing her breath at her. Sapphy squeals and screams for me. This time Lauren lets me take her.

After calming her down, Sapphire asks, "Momma who's that?". "That's uncle Julio. He's a close family friend and we help each other from time to time. He also runs the Spanish mafia", she says whispering the last part.

"I didn't know you had a little boy though", Laur says. "Just got him about 3 months ago. Planned on introducing you earlier but things just got in the way", he says as Sapphy starts getting shy and hides her face.

"Awww, Toby was right about you being cute. Don't hide your face cutie I won't hurt you", he says. "How old is her headspace anyway?".

"She ranges quite a lot actually, from newborn to 6. Though she mainly stays around 4 years old", Lauren tells him.

"Why don't you guys come over to our place and we can catch up there. I'm sure they don't want us hogging the entrance", I suggest.

"Yeah we can do that, is it alright if we do that tomorrow though? There's somethings I gotta take care of first". "Of course that's fine", I give him the address and our numbers. He takes his little one and we say our goodbyes.

"Hear that baby? You have a playdate tomorrow!!", I say to Sapphy who smiles and claps excitedly. Lauren's not looking too happy about it though. "Alright alright, let's go girls. We still have other fun things to do", Lauren says and we had off to the car.

Maddie continues to help us with our stuff until we get to the car. "Thank you for everything Maddie, you were a big help with Sapphire", we both thank her and give her a hug. I look at Sapphire who's pouting right now.

"What's wrong princess?", Lauren asks. "I don't want Maddie to leave", she says quietly. We all coo at her and Maddie picks her up. "Hey I'll miss you too bud, but I have to go. I'll see you again I'm sure. Just make sure if your mommies ever need a babysitter, they call me", she says making Sapphy smile slightly.

"Okay", Sapphire gives her another hug before Maddie straps her into her car seat. "I promise we'll see each other again little one", she says closing the door. "Thanks again Mads. We'll be sure to call you whenever we're in Miami again", I tell her. We hug one more time before she leaves.

We get in the car and I look back at Sapphy, who's not looking too happy right now. "Hey babygirl", she looks up at me. "It's still warm out, you wanna go swimming in the pool when we get home?", She nods smiling slightly at me. That's a little better.

"Forget swimming in the pool at home", Lauren says as she gets in. "We have a pool at the mansion. How about, we go swimming with dolphins instead?", This makes Sapphy squeal.

"Dolphins Momma?!!!", She yells happily. I also stare at my wife amazed. "I didn't know about this", I say. "Of course not then it wouldn't be a surprise. Ready to see dolphins princess?", Sapphy yells out excitedly. My wife sure knows how to make us smile.

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